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i broke a pinkie promise...(self harm)

Posted: |March 11th, 2021|, 11:11 am
by kittyPrincesz
so a few months ago me and my daddy made a pinkie promise that i wouldn't self harm anymore, and i was doing so good.. but this morning it was just too much and i couldn't take it anymore, and i cut myself.. i wanna tell him cause i broke our pinkie promise and he always helps me feel better, but the last time he found out it really hurt him a lot😔 honestly i don't know what to do.. is it important that i tell him or is it something that he doesn't need to know about?

Re: i broke a pinkie promise...(self harm)

Posted: |March 11th, 2021|, 3:30 pm
by NatQuakers
Personally from my experience, I think you should tell him. Relationships are built on trust and as an age regressor myself I find that it is very important. It's not that he has a "right" to know as your partner, you don't HAVE to do anything, but telling my partner when somethings wrong has, in the long run, helped me. You aren't lying by not telling your partner about it, but reflecting on your post I feel like you WANT to tell them. You shouldn't hold onto a secret that is causing you distress just because it might affect them. I don't know your daddy personally, but If I was in their shoes I would rather know that my little is in pain and is struggling and help, rather than the latter. At the end of the day it's your choice, I'm just a little on the internet but saw your post and wanted to give you some advice. I hope you figure things out!! :hugs:

-Just a little in a big world :pinkh:

Re: i broke a pinkie promise...(self harm)

Posted: |March 11th, 2021|, 3:51 pm
by kittyPrincesz
yea.. i think i might, it's really hurting to keep it from him, im just scared how he'll react.. but i think in gonna do it! thank you ::3: :heart: :angel:

Re: i broke a pinkie promise...(self harm)

Posted: |March 11th, 2021|, 6:10 pm
by MommyLauren28
Hi, there. I am so sorry your going through this. I know self harm all too well. I know your scared, but I think maybe writing a note- explaining what you want to say. :pinkh: Hang in there.