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Smoking and other bad habits

Posted: |April 4th, 2016|, 1:39 pm
by Button
Hii, I think this would go here, since smoking damages your physical health and stuff.
If not, I'm sorry and feel free to delete okays? ):

I'm currently in progress of quitting smoking, a bad habit I picked up when I was much younger as a crutch for anxiety (it calmed me down a lot). I decided to quit when I noticed I was coughing a lot and it hurt to breathe or do anything related to cardio. I'm having a very hard time quitting 100%, even after trying to switch to vaping. Vaping has definitely helped my breathing, but I hope to quit nicotine all together.

I'm also trying to wean and completely abandon coffee as I'm addicted really badly right now, if I go without caffeine I get horrible horrible migraines where all I can do is sleep. I can't walk, eat, do anything basic.. It's horrible. Not to mention I drink so much (maybe 2.5 pots a day) I can get a full days amount of calories with just the sugar/creamer.

I was wondering if anyone else here has had similar or other addictions that are damaging to their physical/mental health and how they may have beaten it, or tips and tricks to beat bad habits while at the same time forming good habits.

Re: Smoking and other bad habits

Posted: |April 6th, 2016|, 1:02 pm
by bluedinosaursocks
Congrats on your decision to quit smoking! I don't smoke or have too big an issue with caffeine (although I love tea and pepsi).

I do have a few bad habits though that I think might be related to my mental health issues. I bite my nails, I pick at the skin around my fingers (mostly my thumbs) until it bleeds (drives my fiance crazy), and I pick at my scalp (usually not until it bleeds). The nailbiting, I've tried everything. The picking at my fingers, I don't really notice I do it until my fingers feel wet with blood and I've realized what I've done. The scalp thing is a big one. I had head lice once as a child, and ever since then (don't worry, I got rid of them), I've been picking at my scalp trying to find imperfections and stuff). My head is constantly itchy and I always feel like there's stuff there, even though there's not anything there. I have no idea how to stop and it's embarrassing. I am constantly touching my head and have to make a conscious effort in public to not touch my head. Not fun :(

I've been really trying to keep my hands busy, but when I feel the urge to pick at my fingers or my scalp, it can be really difficult to control it.

Re: Smoking and other bad habits

Posted: |April 6th, 2016|, 8:58 pm
by Button

Thanks for replying. Haha.
I hope to make caffeine a once in a while thing instead of an "I need this or I cant do anything" thing.

For the nailbiting have you tried gum? I use to have a horrible habit of chewing on things, my fingers, lips, inside of my cheek, clothes and etc. I found that if I chewed some gum I kept the feeling of needing to chew things distracted a little bit, every once in a while the habit of trying to chew my fingers kicks in and I just go grab some gum when I realise what I'm doing.

For the scalp thing.. I do that too actually, I don't realise I'm doing it until it's too late lmao.

Re: Smoking and other bad habits

Posted: |April 7th, 2016|, 9:16 am
by Daddylittlekitty
I Love coffee, i have been drinking coffee since I was about 10, it's very addictive

Re: Smoking and other bad habits

Posted: |April 3rd, 2017|, 10:45 pm
by Deleted User 23747
This is a bit late, but congrats on making the decision to quit smoking!! :)

Bad habits of mine would be smoking and drinking. I got into smoking a few years ago thanks to my now ex boyfriend, but I've been trying to stop. If you ever want a stopping buddy (that is if you haven't already managed it since this was posted a year ago) you can always shoot me a pm.

Drinking is something I grew up around. It isn't terribly bad and I'm not addictive to the bottle, it's more like once or twice every other week....which still is kinda bad.