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Wanting more daddy dom time

Posted: |February 27th, 2016|, 1:36 am
by Pocketflower95
Hi, you guys!
I just wanted to know how to cope with daddies being obsessed , well.....stuck on video games while I'm there. We've recently been out of the same house, and I'm getting....deprived....I don't know. Ant advice?

Re: Wanting more daddy time

Posted: |February 27th, 2016|, 1:40 pm
by littlebuttercup_
Use your charm! Wiggle ur bum infront of the tv, lay over his lap as you would for a spankong. Be extra adorable and he won't be focused on video games. <3

Re: Wanting more daddy time

Posted: |March 1st, 2016|, 8:55 pm
by LittleAshley
talk with him, explain how you feel, it's important he knows how you're feeling, communication as with any relationship is key, but its EXTREMELY important in a DD/LG relationship, far more than normal.