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Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier from my parents?

Posted: |April 3rd, 2016|, 7:12 am
by Dark Princess
I still live at home and my family doesn't know I'm a little. I want a binky but I don't know where to hide it!? Please help

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 3rd, 2016|, 8:30 pm
by BubbleBaby
Hi! I have the same problem. Maybe you should try hiding it in your pillow case, under your mattress or in the pockets of a coat that you don't wear that just hangs in the closet. I hope this helps :)

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 4th, 2016|, 1:39 am
by Dark Princess
That's a great idea! Thanks! Coat pockets are perfect :)

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 4th, 2016|, 4:00 pm
by littleAshiee
I live in a dorm room and I hide everything in little locked box..if that seems too obvious, bins under beds or assuming no one does your laundry, underwear drawer, or also at home I keep some stuff in my memory box in my closet, no one checks there. You just have to be crafty and think of places people don't usually look!! (No one looks under pillows either..I had sippys, pacis and toys under my pillow I forgot to move and my brother was laying dIRECTLY ON THE PILLOW but he never noticed somehow...)

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 4th, 2016|, 8:30 pm
by Maximaafinigonov
If you Google "Little Girl Lock Box" there's lots of lock boxes that come up that would be fitting for any little girl. But then again, maybe that'd be too obvious. There is plain lock boxes available as well.

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 4th, 2016|, 8:48 pm
by princessrachel
If you are in school you could keep it in n your backpack or i keep mine in my bedside drawer under pokémon cards xD Also maybe under some clothes in your dresser :yes:

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 9th, 2016|, 10:10 pm
by snugglebutt
If you still have your old toy box like me, you could hide stuff in there. That's my plan, I'm gonna take out all the random crap and just fill it with little things. Or just closets in general are good. Or your underwear drawer!

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 12th, 2016|, 10:36 am
Empty tampon or pad box in your nightstand. Also a great way to hide things from males in your house haha If anyone is in your nightstand they are probably not there for lady items.

Re: Where do I hide my binky, paci, pacifier!?

Posted: |April 12th, 2016|, 10:08 pm
by KingBaloo26
It's cliche, but the old shoe box in your closet is a great hiding place.