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How to tell Daddy I want a 24/7 Ddlg relationship dynamic?

Posted: |April 14th, 2015|, 8:29 pm
by JuneStar
A friend of mine, who is also a little, wants her Daddy to know that she's really after a 24/7 dynamic. How would she approach him with this request? That I know of, they only do littlespace time periodically. It makes her very happy and feel like herself but neither of them have mentioned taking it to the next level where she could be carefree and a little childish all of the time.

And, yes, I know that it can be more of a personality thing. She feels like right now that when she has to be big more often than not that she is not truly being her real self and not letting her true personality shine. (and sparkle and glitter and and and...)

I didn't have this issue. My Daddy actually approached me and asked if I was interested in being little for more than just special playtime or littlespace time. Daddy was very forward about it despite my bashfulness over it. That being said, I'm really low on tips or ideas for her.

Does anyone have thoughts about how she would tell her Daddy that she wants to be little all of the time for him?

Re: How to tell Daddy I want a 24/7 Ddlg relationship dynamic?

Posted: |May 25th, 2015|, 9:08 pm
by dbg1919
My advice would be for her to approach her Daddy and have an open and honest discussion about her desire for a 24/7 lifestyle. It is just my opinion, but I feel this discussion should take place when she is in "big" mode. If it cannot be 24/7 maybe they can work on setting aside more time and ways for her to be little. Wishing her the best of luck :)