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Depressed Daddy Dom?

Posted: |November 22nd, 2015|, 12:27 pm
by growinguplittle
Hello to all the littles and middles and bigs and Daddies and Mommies and everyone else out there :) *waves*

I have a difficult issue. Yesterday, I finally approached my Daddy about a bad feeling I was having. I felt negative emotions from him: annoyance, irritability, distance. I felt like he didn't really want to be around me. We've been dating over 3 years, and I know him to be an extremely loving and supportive person, so something was clearly off. He told me that the depression he's suffered from on and off for several years is at one of the lowest points he can remember.

Now, Daddy and I never got the opportunity to delve TOO deeply into Dd/lg, and he was my bf long before we discovered Dd/lg. With his current state, we decided to put all Dd/lg on hold and to reevaluate once he feels better. That being said, he has very "Daddy" tendencies in how he wants to provide and support and lead (when he's healthy), and there was a period where we were exploring Dd/lg, so how does a little support a depressed Daddy/Daddy-type? I know all I can do is support him and encourage him to seek professional help, but maybe there's a Daddy (or little) out there who has better advice?

Secondly, how do I support myself as a little? I know I said our Dd/lg relationship didn't progress super far, but I have no doubts that I am a little and it is a big (hehe!) part of me. I crave structure and guidance and it's not fair to look to my bf right now for that, for him or for me. How can a little satisfy those needs without a Daddy? I've even considered maybe finding a (non-physically intimate) Daddy online who can help show me the way a little bit.

Though the situation is difficult, I am not hopeless! I'm more confused and lost and in need of guidance. There are just so many "what-ifs" and questions right now. Littles, what would you do? I really appreciate any advice. I'm pretty inexperienced, so any tips at all are helpful :)

Re: Depressed Daddy?

Posted: |November 22nd, 2015|, 1:07 pm
by lullabykitten
I can only speak from my experiences with friends I've known who are depressed, so this may not be overly helpful.

- Make sure that you remind him that you're there for him if he needs to talk even if he can't put the words together. Just let him ramble about his feelings/thoughts.
- Send him lots of messages a day telling him you love him, about your day, everything. It'll help him focus on something better, like you.
- Draw him pictures or colour him some. Give them to him as a present so he can look at them and remember that you love and care for him. You guys may not be DD/lg but you are a little girl and you shouldn't stop being part of yourself.
- Try to get him to do the things you guys both love that he might not wanna do because he's too down. For example, if you two love the aquarium ask him to go (or perhaps beg) it'll be good for both your little side (because FISHIES) and it'll help get him back into stuff he enjoys even if can't enjoy all of it it's a step.
- If he has had bad experiences with professionals just saying get professional help may not be the best. If he says no, ask why not? Try to understand where he is coming from for this. If it's money perhaps help him look for someone less expensive. If he doesn't trust these strangers tell him he can go to several. Just help him.
- Most of all don't get angry that he isn't himself right now, because he is. He is just a different side.

Supporting yourself as a little:

- Firstly, it depends on this nonsexual daddy. I, for instance, am not physically intimate and thus all my daddies are not. It is still the same relationship so you run the course of this being thought of as a 'real' relationship. You would need to talk about this with your boyfriend if you wanted to do it, it's important. How would you feel if you weren't little for awhile and so your boyfriend got a nonsexual online little without telling you?
- Try to have the strength to give yourself rewards for doing things. Like stickers, or colouring or stay up a little later. You might not have the self-restraint for that but it's worth a try.
- I would try to use this daddy-less time to work on being a better little, understanding your little side and indulging in it. See what you like, try diapers, try a paci, try whatever it is you haven't wanted to try because you were scared.
- Just enjoy being little. I do everything little that I want, and I enjoy it without a daddy. You can too. Perhaps as your BF gets better you can slowly incorporate it again.
- Most of all: DISCUSS things with your boyfriend. Explain that you are a little, and this is a side of you that you can't turn off now that you've discovered it

I hope I helped some, but I kind of just rambled. :( Best of luck to you and your boyfriend!

Re: Depressed Daddy?

Posted: |November 22nd, 2015|, 5:35 pm
by growinguplittle
Thank you for such a long & thoughtful response lullabykitten! I especially like the aquarium suggestion ^_^

To clarify, I'd never form an arrangement with a Daddy without discussing it with my BF first. I don't think that would be fair! But it was just an idea I was throwing around and I'm not sure I could do it emotionally. I'm more looking for a way to grow and learn as a little and that was the first thing I thought of. To me, it seems hard and lonely to be little by myself, but I'm so new - what do I know? I appreciate the encouragement to explore my little side independently, you've helped a lot <3

Re: Depressed Daddy?

Posted: |December 4th, 2015|, 8:08 am
by CuddleBugMonster
My mistress gets very sad. She sometimes thinks bad stuff about herself. But I try to help. I am a good boy and I will tell her she's pretty and I will cuddle and be goofy (but never bad) and I've started drawing and writing for her and I sing for her and stuff. She says it makes her think good things. Maybe if you act silly, your bf will smile some.
Anyway, do little stuff like color or play with dolls. Cut out dolls on paper and color them. Their free and you can play! Hug a teddy! But a supple cup for you. You can be little without a big