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How to deal with the sadness of not having a caregiver?

Posted: |January 31st, 2021|, 9:26 am
by TeddySamurai
It seems like every time I meet a potential mommy; she ends up being a bad match, already taken, or ghosting me if she replies at all. I know I'd be a good little one to have around, but it seems like no mommy wants me. Meanwhile, I see littles with very loving cgs and cute little rooms. It really hurts to feel this way. ::(:

Re: How to deal with the sadness of not having a caregiver?

Posted: |February 1st, 2021|, 12:13 am
by CosmianAndNovella
We're sorry to hear you're going through some blues, Teddy. Keep your head up, though. There's plenty of hope and opportunity!

We know how it feels to feel like everybody around you finds partnership in the community. We know how it feels to see everybody find happiness, flourishing, partnering. We ourselves went through a fair amount of sketchy people and failed relationships. From being ghosted for many months, to finding out somebody married, to being lied about having lost our contact information, to being catfished, and ultimately made fun of publicly.

Please take care of yourself and don't blame others' actions on you. The worst thing you could do is take other people's neglect as a sign of you doing something wrong. Stay true to yourself and don't forget who you are when talking to others, even if the promise of finding partnership weighs on you.

We just recommend that you rely on your support system as you try to navigate through life. Finding a partner can be very intense and you can find yourself putting too much pressure on yourself and too much emphasis on the loneliness. You're not alone though! You have us and plenty of friends here that are happy to see you and hear your successes.