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For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 11th, 2023|, 1:27 pm
by Littlebluemilo317
To start off, after, I got my first period, when I was 12, I began to have a hard time getting an indication when I had to pee. At first it was just a couple times a month, mostly around my period. But as I got older, it got worse and more frequent. It stayed like that for a while, where I would just have to sprint to the bathroom just before I was about to pee. That is up until recently, it was the day before my 18th birthday and I was on my monthly, in the living room talking to my sister when I started to, just out of the blue, no indication whatsoever, pee myself. I was mortified. Thankfully it wasn't much but enough to make me worry. It happened two more times during that period and after it ended it hasn't happened since. Its been about 2 weeks.

Has this happened to anyone else? I brought it up to my mother and aunt and they brushed it off saying I need to pay attention more. Should I see a doctor for this?

I've tried everything to fix this problem all the way down to setting reminders to pee on my phone. Nothing seems to work. I don't even drink as much fluids to have this problem.

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 11th, 2023|, 1:58 pm
by Deleted User 70612
I do not have this problem and started at 13. I am 42 now. I would say you need to talk to your doctor and have check up and make sure you don't have bladder problems.

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 20th, 2023|, 4:02 am
by Elvie
Incontinence can be caused by a lot of issues, but it's rarely normal unless you've been pregnant/given birth. It's possible for it to be hormonal (like with your period) but it's worth bringing up to your GYN next time you go and see what they think.

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 20th, 2023|, 6:27 am
by Littlebluemilo317
I will bring it up to my doctor next time I go. Hopefully its nothing serious

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 22nd, 2023|, 5:05 am
by Ale
I can say that it happens to me too. :( I mean, that I often suffer from incontinence. I'm thinking of buying some small diapers, or something like that.

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |January 22nd, 2023|, 10:42 pm
by Elvie
Probably nothing serious! There are so many minor things that can cause it. For a while I had it because I had a fibroid (benign growth) compressing my bladder. Not dangerous just annoying!

Re: For the ladies, is this Normal? Weak Bladder during Periods

Posted: |September 3rd, 2023|, 4:14 pm
by Motherly
It’s probably caused by the increase in progesterone later in your cycle, after you’ve ovulated, and during the first bit of your period while estrogen is still rising back up. I find myself having increased urination due to it. It’s fairly normal, especially as you age. Your doctor can likely prescribe something and you can work on your pelvic floor muscles to strengthen the muscles you use to hold your bladder.