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DateCGL Issues

Posted: |December 9th, 2017|, 6:13 am
by Motherly
Littlespace Online is not the same platform as DateCGL and Littlespace Online are separate websites that are designed completely differently, have different rules, and have different moderators. LittlespaceOnline can only help with the community site and chat.

So, please use the Contact Us form on the DateCGL site if you’re trying to contact DateCGL. It's located at the bottom of those pages of that website.

Contacting LittlespaceOnline is not a form of escalation for DateCGL or other sites.

LittlespaceOnline is not technical support for other sites, including DateCGL.

You will not be answered by the admin here for DateCGL issues.

- Admin. of Littlespace Online

P.S. DateCGL may have it's own Help section as well. You may need to search that site for assistance with it.

P.P.S. Just like Littlespace Online, DateCGL has it's own e-mail address for contacts that cannot be made through the site directly. It is DateCGL @ .