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Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |July 21st, 2017|, 7:10 pm
by Lilkitten88
Coloring, Video Games, Watching Anime and little kid shows, dress up, decorate things with stickers, do my hair, read kid books, snacks /drink out of sippy cups or bottles, and make sticker charts. I love to create things to hang up or have for little space. Get kids things to feel more in Little space hehe. I love to draw and paint. Hang out with my friends. Savings chart to save money close to my sticker chart but I save even more with it. I also use a piggy bank. I love it because it's seasame street.

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |July 21st, 2017|, 9:47 pm
by Lilkitten88
My favorite activities in little space is playing with toys, watching little kid shows, playing board/card games, cooking/baking, getting read too or reading, video games, playing with my stuffies, arts and crafts, watching Disney/Anime,Coloring, Baths, Snacks with juice in sippy cups or bottles.

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |July 23rd, 2017|, 8:09 pm
by EndxDreams
my favorite thing/ hobby to do in littlespace would have to be..

writing stories
play fighting with my stuffies <3 :omg: :nodyes:

not individuelly:
being read a book
coloring as well (gotta get some feedback for my amazingness ya know :yes:

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |August 1st, 2017|, 8:52 pm
by Deleted User 29946
The best thing to do in little space is cuddle with some blankets and stuffies. I'm a cuddly little so I love snuggling. I also like to color in a coloring book or just free hand with some markers. I know most littles love to watch cartoons. I like Paw Patrol or Disney movies like Monsters Inc. The best blocks to play with in little space are wooden ones or Legos. I prefer Legos. :)

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |August 15th, 2017|, 2:08 am
by Emily
I need to learn how to do more in Littlespace. Currently, the best I can do is just what I already do in adultspace: lay on the bed and watch tv. I really don't know how to change things up too much though :/
I don't own a binkie anymore, all I have is just a baby dress and some optionals, like deodorant, perfume, booties, diapers, etc. As soon as I figure out how to buy stuff without my bank frantically calling me that my credit card had been stolen, then I can buy a binkie, a rattle, and maybe some new diapers.

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |September 4th, 2017|, 10:44 pm
by Jessie472
I love coloring, playing with my stuffies :stuffie: , watching disney movies, cuddling, reading books :read: , watching cartoons especially spongebob squarepants, play wrestling :devil: , eating sweets :craze: , taking naps and playing with other littles :hugs:

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |September 5th, 2017|, 9:27 am
by StoryBug
I watch shows like Little Witch Academia and Wakfu on my Netflix. I have also got really into playing with my teddies and hosting tea parties, its so fun to give them all special personalities and make up funny backstories! Ultimately my favourite thing is to just cuddle up and listen to a story.

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |September 5th, 2017|, 3:08 pm
by AngelFace
Colouring, making things, playing games, story time, watching movies or tv shows, playing with stuffies, dressing up, doing makeup, taking a big bubble bath, taking pictures, doing my hair all pretty, playing with my kitties ... the list goes on hehe! ::3: :craze:

Re: Favorite Activities in Littlespace

Posted: |January 4th, 2019|, 3:59 pm
by babyboyo
My favorite is naptime! I heard lots of littles don't like napping, but it's my favorite. I like to get in cute jammies and cuddle with all my stuffies. I also like to watch cartoons, though! Especially my favorites.