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Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |November 10th, 2018|, 6:23 am
by Kidasan
Oh wow that's so wild, I always get those when I grocery shop. Course I include fruit snacks, but certainly gold fish, and cookies ;)

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |October 14th, 2020|, 12:57 am
by RosyRen20
Unfortunately most of the snacks I would like to eat in Littlespace, I can't. I have a condition called GERD which is basically a severe form of acid reflux.

However, so far, I have discovered that my favorite Littlespace snacks are PB and J (even though I shouldn't be eating peanut butter, thanks GERD), baby carrots, apples (Peeled and sliced), animal cookies, anything from hostess/Little Debbie (Which, again I usually regret eating later) and character soups (The ones put out by Campbell with Princess/Cars/Star Wars shaped noodles. Or Chicken and Stars).

I don't mind Chef Boyardee sometimes. Dinosaurs and meatballs used to be my favorite. I also really like cheese dogs with ketchup(Especially if they're sliced to look like an octopus ๐Ÿ™). Disney shaped waffles are good too even though I prefer pancakes ๐Ÿ˜‹. I don't mind buttered noodles or just plain white rice with butter and salt.

I can't really eat McDonald's much and even when I do, I'm usually with family so I don't get the kid's meal. But I want to.

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |October 29th, 2020|, 4:24 pm
by HeatherRose23
KwystalWuv wrote: โ†‘7 years ago Candy! All the candy! Taffy and chocolate and skittles and starburst! Apple juice! Orange juice! Cranberry juice! Pomegranate juice! So many juices I could name them all. So many candies too! But a lot of candy is bad for me. So I also eat fruit. Green apple are my favorite, but I don't like red apples, but maybe golden apples because they're pretty. Mangos too. And pineapples. And grapes if they're really cold. Dried fruit chips are great too because normally they're juicy and crunchy? But dried fruit is so weird because you're expecting juice but it's a chip!
I like candy a lot too, but can't have it too much. Have ya ever had peach rings? They're awesome! They're sweet and tangy like peaches, but chewy, like gummy bears. They're like my current fav snack. :)

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |October 31st, 2020|, 9:33 am
by Kii
I looove to have an apple with some type of oatmilk (I'm allergic to dairy so this is my alternative). I love all kinds of fruits, baby carrots, mini pretzels, and pb&j. I don't really like sweets, but every once in a great while I want a bit of dairy free ice cream. Snacks are my favorite and I would eat them all the time if I was able to. :pheart:

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |October 31st, 2020|, 9:00 pm
by clumsy18little
I love mashed potatoes in little space. Even nuggets and fries! I like either apple or watermelon juice

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |November 1st, 2020|, 10:59 am
by LilPrince97
Yeah! I loooove animal crackers an ice cream! Not together though, that's weird :rofl:

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |November 3rd, 2020|, 1:42 pm
by DaddysLittleOshun
I love gummies and fruit snacks... also goldfish and yogurt. :eat:

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |November 3rd, 2020|, 4:59 pm
by LittleBug329
Goldfishes and Oreos! Could eats dem til I sicks, and still wants more!

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |February 13th, 2021|, 10:46 am
by Deleted User 63981
i lovbe having chiky nuggets shaped in dinos and apple slices with apple juice and maybe choco milk but i dont drink it often tho so maybe not

Re: Does anyone have a favorite littlespace snack?

Posted: |February 14th, 2021|, 3:31 pm
by Allybugg
Apples slices with peanut butter! Also Hershey's Sliced Chocolate Crรจme Cake!! :heart: