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Looking for another Flip? A brother who will let you call him Daddy sometimes? A very motherly sister who likes to play games with you too? Search for a sometimes big, sometimes regressive person.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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  • User avatar
  • Name: Ernie!
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 260ish
  • Location: New Jersey/New York
  • Occupation: Game Designer!
  • Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single
  • physically intimate orientation: Bisexual (female identifying preference)
  • What are some things that have led you to identifying as both a little and a Caregiver?
    I was just a Daddy for a really long time. One day I was role playing with someone, and out of nowhere they started turning the tables on me. That had never really happened before, and I'm always open to new things, so I went with it. I went really little my first time ever going into little space, and it felt amazing. I was a lot less stressed and just overall got that fuzzy feeling you get when you know you love something.
  • How often are you a little or submissive?
    Not really sure yet. I go into mood swings where sometimes I want to be more little and I'm feeling super little. That definitely happens a lot less than I'm feeling daddyish though, but when it does happen the crave/need is intense.
  • How often are you a Caregiver or dominant?
    Fairly often, definitely more than I'm little, although that's totally subject to change.
  • What type of partner are you looking for here?
    Anyone! Preferrably I'd love to meet someone who shares my interests in nerdy stuff, especially video games. I have this really cozy pipe dream of meeting someone and just being able to cuddle and play some kind of co-op game with them while snuggling. But that being said, I like lots of people! I'm kind of shy, but I'm a very open person after I know someone for a little bit, so I can get along with anyone!
  • Are you open to long distance relationships or only local?
    I'm open to long distance! I've been in long distance before. Didn't really work out because I was too young and didn't really have control over the distance, but since I'll be out of college in a year and a lot more free I'm totally open to trying long distance again!
  • Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
    Oooh jeez this is hard one. Well for starters, my perfect match would be super into video games and game design like me! Being able to talk and gush to someone about different video games that are out and tenets of game design and all of that nerdy stuff is huge to me. Video games are my passion and being with someone who shares or at least enjoys my passion is very important to me. Aside from that, they'd be snarky and playful with a good sense of humor. And open! Being open is super duper important.
  • Are you into physically intimate or nonsexual Caregiver/little play?
    I prefer physically intimate, but I enjoy both! That being said, I'd want my partner to enjoy physically intimate ageplay as well. I'm a fairly needy individual and it would bother me if the entire relationship was nonsexual. That's not to say I can't be a nonsexual little or daddy though. Just going into either to cuddle and be cozy and close to each other is important to me too.
  • Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
    Monogamous! Nothing against poly, I'm just much too jealous of an individual to ever be in a polyamorous relationship, as much as I'd like to be.
  • How long have you been into the Caregiver/little dynamic?
    For 2 years now!
  • What are you looking for in a switch, little role?
    Nothing in particular? I guess just being little! I'm not a super duper strict daddy, but that's not to say I don't have rules. I'm most certainly ok with punishments, but I'm a bit of a pushover at first, mainly because I like to know someone's limits before I can start getting naughtier with them.
  • What are you looking for in a switch, dominant role?
    Someone who's caring and forceful! Obviously not forceful in a mean way, but I need a stern caregiver who's not going to be afraid to force me into diapers or to go to bed at a specific time. I love forced stuff and humiliation, and aside from that I have a lot of trouble getting into little space on my own because I'm super self-conscious about it. I literally need someone to force me into little space, or goad me into it, giving me little head pats or talking down to me or whatever. I can get into little space without being forced, but it's a lot harder for me and take a lot longer for me to settle down and not be nervous or shy. So someone who would be stern but really caring is nice. I'm the type of little that's too little to know any better, so I have to be told when to sleep and all of that.
  • What do you think you have to offer another switch-type?
    Lots! While it's true that when I'm feeling little it's more of a need than a crave, that's not to say I'm not flexible or self-aware. If my partner would rather be little, I'm more than happy to be the caregiver. I'm usually flexible to the point of being a pushover, but that's not to say I wouldn't tell someone if I wasn't getting a chance to be little enough. Either way, I'm super duper open to anything and everything and I'm willing to try lots and just wanna have fun. As long as my partner is happy, I'm happy.
  • What are some common punishments you use to discipline, correct, or guide?
    If my little is in a nonsexual space, then usually lines, time outs, taking away toys, and earlier bed times. If my little is in a physically intimate space or clearly transitioning from a nonsexual to physically intimate little space, then punishments usually include humiliation, spanking, special burst control, BeDeeSeM, and toy play. As long as there's consent, of course.
  • What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing or receiving?
    Everything! Cuddles, more toys, candy, kissies, shopping trips, day trips (like to the zoo and stuff)! As long as my CG is showing me affection and that they're proud of me I'm happy. As for my little, I'd definitely make sure I spoil them.
  • Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios:
    One of the two of us is wearing a onesie, we're both wearing diapers, and whoever is bigger is holding whoever is little, cuddling them while we watch a movie or just snuggle! I really like this one because it could be me doing the cuddling or me getting cuddled.
  • What are some general nicknames you like to call your little?
    Little one, cutie pie, sweet pea, kitten, lots of stuff! Those are all my more general nicknames, I'm a sucker like to make more specific nicknames for my little so they feel special!
  • What is one thing that all (Daddy, Mommy, or Caregiver) Doms should know?
    The most important thing hands down for any dom in any kind of kink is that people are people. You put the person before the kink, always always always.

    That being said, specifically the most important thing that Caregivers need to know is that little space is a sacred place. Your little is making themselves a million times more vulnerable by going into little space, and they're aware of that. If your little trusts you enough to be little around them, then you darn well owe it to them to respect that. You do everything in your power to make sure they're cared for and guide them, punishing them only when you have to and making sure they feel like the most special person in the world always.
  • What do you think makes a Caregiver Dom different than a regular or general Dominant?
    Little space isn't purely physically intimate. While slave/master and BeDeeSeM relationships usually are inherently physically intimate, little space is something that a lot of people use as a coping strategy. It's not just something you use to get off, it's something that you trust someone you care about with so you can feel closer to them and more comfortable with yourself. Not only that, but CG doms have to walk a fine line of making sure they offer their little one guidance, not being too much of a push-over but not being some jerk that punishes them way too much either.
  • What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
    Video games, cuddling, cooking, singing, and just talking!
  • What are 3 movies you enjoy?
    Dangerous Game of Death, Force Awakens, and Dredd
  • What are 3 of your favorite foods?
    Penne Vodka (or any kind of pasta really), Sandwiches, and Pizza!
  • What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists?
    Bands: BadBadNotGood, Everything Everything, Wild Child
    Songs: The Breeze by Dr. Dog, Oklahoma by Wild Child, and Shadows by Childish Gambino
  • What is something you have recently learned?
    That I have a little space!
  • What is your current biggest life achievement?
    Either making a video game or writing a novel!
  • During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
    I'm stubborn on little things, but if I ever have a disagreement or argument I stay level headed and make sure that my partner knows I care about them, and I try to talk it out. If that doesn't work then I get really submissive and reclusive, just kind of saying or doing whatever to get the fighting to stop. If my partner just kind of shrugs the issue off without leaving me a sense of resolution, I get really needy and need constant affirmation that my partner does care about me because I have bad anxiety.
  • What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
    I'm kind of shy but I always always always respond to messages! Don't be afraid to message me, even if you're not interested romantically, because I love friends! But if you are interested, just know that I might be pretty awkward and shy at first, but I promise I open up quick! And thanks for reading this!
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