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Looking for another Flip? A brother who will let you call him Daddy sometimes? A very motherly sister who likes to play games with you too? Search for a sometimes big, sometimes regressive person.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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DateCGL Username (required): babyboy_froggy
Legal Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male
physically intimate Orientation: Heterosexual, But I Sometimes Question
Location: Central Florida
Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single

What type of partner are you looking for here?
For starters, I'm looking for someone who shares the same passion for nature that I do. Much of my future life will be devoted to sustainability and growing food, so I'm looking for a partner that would enjoy living a homestead lifestyle.
In terms of dedication, I'm not looking for a quick hookup or speed date, I'm talking about serious commitment and real emotional connections. I don't want to think about marriage or children right now, though.

Are you open to long distance relationships or only local matches?
I'd prefer local matches, but I might accept a LDR if a very deep emotional bond is created. For this to happen, we'd have to be like soulmates.

Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
I think about this frequently, but at the moment I feel most comfortable in a monogamous relationship.

Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
My perfect match would be just as devoted to the Earth as I am, and agree with my ideals.
-They would walk around the house/yard barefoot with me, or at least respect my decision to do so.
-They would share my wonder in the natural world and touch funny frogs with me.
-They might help me outdoors, or help process food I harvested indoors.
-If not this, they might help in some other way, like having a separate job. In this case, I would basically become a househusband that can grow food.
-They would understand my childlike way of showing love and affection.
-I would understand their way of showing love and affection.
-They would compliment my somewhat introverted nature.
-They would understand my somewhat busy nature and be willing to work out scheduled "us" time.

What are some things that have led you to identifying as both a Caregiver and a Little?

For my little side, there was no singular time I said "I'm going to try regressing" and it happened. Regression seems to have been part of me the whole time, though it was most evident in my childlike means of affection in my first relationship. Since then, I've become more aware of what agere is and learned to use it to my advantage to help me in my times of need.
This behaviour was probably caused by my broken family structure. Although I now have a stepfather who's really cool and awesome, I never had a father figure until I was about twelve. My mother is legally blind and as a result developed some negative qualities. The lack of childhood affection probably resulted in me valuing this kind of affection to this day.

For my lesser Caregiver side, this is probably a result of my devoted attitude toward taking care of my mother due to her blindness. I have been taught to defend those that I love fiercely, and I'd do the same with a loved little.

Are you into physically intimate and/or nonsexual Caregiver/little regression?
I am into both physically intimate and nonsexual regression, although in both facets I tend to lean toward the little side.

How long have you identified as both a Caregiver and a Little?
I've known of my regressive tendencies starting around 3-4 years ago, but I feel like the true acceptance of my identity came only almost exactly a year ago.

Are you the type of person that likes to or expects to punish your Little or to be punished as a Little?
As a little, I'm typically very well-behaved, but I will accept any punishments that are deserved.
As a caregiver, I tend to be quite soft so I'll probably go easy on the punishments (not to say there won't be any).

What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing to your Little and receiving as a Little?
Food, cuddles, outings, new toys

What do you think you have to offer to a partner?
Obviously, I have my love, understanding, and affection to offer - but I have a bit more than that. By engaging in a relationship with me, you're potentially setting yourself up for the ultimate cottagecore dream. You can brag about how your significant other is in college pursuing a horticultural degree. You'll also be with a welcoming and friendly family that will accept you for who you are.
I'll also give you free plants and lawncare if at all possible. Oh, and my Steam library!

Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios:
Adventuring around in the forest barefoot and touching weird mushrooms, then having a picnic on a sunny green hill and falling asleep in my caregiver's lap.

What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
-Video games (my favorites are Minecraft, Don't Starve, Terraria, TF2, Stardew Valley, Deltarune, and anything Kirby)
-Gardening, obviously!
-Nature walks, including shelling
-Talking about obscure/philosphical topics
-Cooking sometimes

What are 3 movies or TV shows you enjoy?
-The Lego Movie
I'm usually more of a do-er than a watcher.

What are 3 of your favorite foods?
-RAW corn, fresh off the stalk
I could probably go on forever. Like I said on DateCGL, this little eats his greens!

What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists?
-Caravan Palace
-Dave Brubeck
-Any music from my favorite video games

What is something you have recently learned?
In RNA strands, thymine is replaced with uracil.
DNA strands are replicated by RNA polymerase, which travel along the unravelled DNA like a zipper and match one side of the DNA to it's corresponding amino acids. This new strand is then sent to other locations in the cell for further processing.
3D biology videos are absolutely hilarious.
If someone is starting drama against someone, they probably have beef.
Even with minimal attention, food scraps will compost fine within a year.
I could sleep in pine needles. In fact, I almost did this afternoon.
Good tools make a huge difference when it comes to woodworking.
I shouldn't be so hard on myself right now. I can do that when I finish college.
In Florida, Mexican sunflowers tend to go to seed around late November. From there, they continue to live but create several branches that can be used to propogate.

What is your current biggest life achievement?
Wheelbarrowing 150 cubic yards of mulch into my backyard.
Every single harvest I've done.
Going to college for $0 because I got scholarships.

During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
If my partner is angry, I let them speak until they have released all of their negative energy, then I speak. If they still have built-up energy, I tell them to settle until we're ready to solve the disagreement in a civil manner.
I do this because I don't do well in loud and hostile environments - loud noises and yelling might be one of my triggers. I usually break down or freeze in worst-case scenarios.

What do you think of being partnered to an individual who requires a large portion of your attention?
That would be fine if I wasn't in college, which I am. For the next three years, my partner needs to understand I have a somewhat busy life to attend to. I'm a proponent of scheduled "us" time to make things work despite all my schoolwork. We can still talk outside of this time, just that an instant reply isn't really guaranteed.
I won't perform well with those that need an incredible amount of attention and care.

What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
-Please don't yell at me.
-I'm typing like I'm writing a college essay because that's how my brain has been formed, but really I'm a lowercase texter.
-For the first few weeks, you will only see big me. Little me only comes out when I'm really cozy or really hurt.

Please check out my DateCGL profile for extra information! (Not that I haven't given enough... ah, the results of honors and AP courses.)
I've somewhat changed my mind on LDR vs local matches. I'm willing to potentially engage in a relationship with someone that's 500 miles or less away from me, not only Florida. Again, anything more is possible, but less likely unless it seems to you that we're literally soulmates.
Also, I prefer those who are over 21 years old. Anything more than 21 is kinda weird.
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