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So as most of you know I'm really new to this, but it doesn't seem normal that Daddys/CG ignore their littles unless it's as punishment. Like I said, I'm new to this and am about 5-8yoal. I want his attention, but I'm not sure how or if I can get it?

Is this normal and I'm just too new to know that?
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By BigPapa
A healthy caregiver knows that their little needs lots of attention. A healthy little understands that sometimes, there are adult responsibilities. If it's been more than a few days, it sounds like maybe your caregiver doesn't have the maturity to end things.
If it's been more than a few days, it sounds like maybe your caregiver doesn't have the maturity to end things.
Whoa, I have to completely disagree with this idea. I feel like that is a big leap from, "Things are okay but I wish we communicated more often so I kind of feel neglected," to, "He's just immature and wants to end things so he's just ignoring me." Sometimes things are not as black and white, and sometimes "a few days" isn't as long as it feels.

As a first step, please let them know that you'd like more time spent with them, if at all possible. Please reach out to them and let them know. We aren't mind readers and, unfortunately, we aren't perfect. Please, let him know that you would be happier with more time together.

Right now, personally, I'm going through some really serious medical issues that are beyond unsettling for me. I also am in a position where I'm not at my personal home and have to stay with someone who can physically help me with the medical illness I'm facing. This was all unexpected, mind you. I did not foresee any of this happening to me. All of this medical mess does bleed in to all aspects of my life right now.

So, what I'm saying is, the unexpected does happen because we still are human, and sometimes we're left in positions where we need to tell a partner, "I'm unable to fulfill my full duties as a Caregiver / little right now, but it doesn't mean I'm disinterested in you or don't care about you." It could very well be that your Daddy Dom has a lot of "life things" happening right now and it's making it difficult to juggle a healthy relationship and other important things.

Alternatively, he may have thought long spans between interaction is acceptable because previous partners preferred that. He may just be used to connecting with someone after a couple of days and not feel a high drive to be in constant contact. He may be a very work-oriented person, for example, and may not be social/a "people person" type so he has less need for frequent interaction. Those types of people really do exist and they aren't bad people once you understand and let them know that your needs are different so you two can work on meeting in the middle.

That's why you absolutely have to talk with him, little one. If he's long distance I highly recommend you e-mail him in the calmest way possible and let him know what is going on with you, inside and outside of the relationship, and what you feel would improve things between you two. If you are local to him then I don't think it's absurd to ask him to come out to coffee or lunch with you one day in the upcoming week and bring up the topic then.

He may surprise you and say, "My life is crazy and I didn't want to fail you so I was trying to put off telling you all of this, I thought I could juggle this better, but I need some extra time I didn't foresee before. I need you to be a big boy/big girl for me more often than I expected. I'm sorry. Maybe we can work together to find at least some special time for us." He may surprise you and say, "I had no idea you felt that way. I always felt like we had really good communication going on. I guess I didn't realize we have different needs about that. Let's see what we can do to satisfy us both then."

Throw out some suggestions if you feel he would be responsive to it, like relaxed date nights once a week or special Skype chats where you are both focused on each other or something light like a funny movie. Something that is not super serious or demanding so you can just relax together.

Our hearts may revolve around our littles but, unfortunately our lives typically don't. Please do remember that. Please remember that we are human, we are imperfect, and we do not know things are wrong sometimes unless we are told.
...ignore their littles unless it's as punishment.
Ignoring as a form of punishment is not acceptable. Giving your little quiet time to gather their thoughts is okay, but flat-out ignoring them and making them feel like they are useless or unworthy because they made a mistake is not okay to do.

:hugs: You are a great person, I'm sure. Focus on happy, happy thoughts and learning so you can continue growing. Let your Caregiver know what's going on and try to encourage them to work with you on solutions toward together happiness. :)
Miss. Thank you for your kind words. I have attempted to contact Daddy every way that I am able (without being an annoying little). This is the first time he has done this since we've moved into this dynamic, however have has done this before when upset with me. If he is upset, or busy with life, or simply needs a break I truly wish he would communicate as such instead of choosing not to respond.
We are local and I have asked to meet at one of our favorite places. We set a time and date. Sadly he did not show.
I am attempting to remain positive.... it's not easy though.
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