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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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I have been a little for quite some time now but have never determined my little age, I do not have baby-like tendencies like using bottles or pacifiers, so I've got that out of the way for the most part, but I'm not one to hang around children very much so I don't know why enough to officially determine my little age. I haven't seen this topic anywhere so I could use some advise :)
By JuneStar
There is no real, true answer to give you that will provide the exacts you might be looking to get. Generally, you start Googling the age-ranges of things you are interested in are actually targeted toward.

Into diapers? Okay, maybe you're not yet potty trained or are still being potty trained. Perhaps you are a baby or toddler. 1-2-3 years of age. Maybe 4-5-6 if you're having accidents and only need diapers sometimes.

Into specific shows? Google search the age-range the show is targeted toward. Seriously. It sounds silly but it gives you a really good idea.

What age sounds the best to you? There you go. That alone may give you an idea of where you are because, let's be honest here, a lot of things are very subjective. What I mean is that your questions are the exact same as saying:

I want to roleplay as a dinosaur. A t-rex, to be exact. How would I do that? How would I dress, act, and like?


Dress like a dinosaur. Don't know what one looked like then simply Google "t-rex appearance" or such.

Speak, talk, or vocalize like a dinosaur. Don't know what one sounded like then simply Google "t-rex noise" or such.

Surround yourself with dinosaur surroundings to get into the right dinosaur moon. Don't know what surrounded a t-rex then simply Google "t-rex habitat" or such.

I would suggest that if you are specifically looking to roleplay as a 10 year old, for example, then use your friend Google for authenticity. Google things like:

Gifts for a 10 year old

10 year old's bedroom

Shows for a 10 year old

Games for a 10 year old

Toys for a 10 year old

Activities for a 10 year old

Outfits for a 10 year old

Styles for 10 year old girls

Language of a 10 year old (yes, it even brings up good results!)

I think that should help you more than asking us here because you're going to get a lot more educational, specific information versus opinions. I know there are going to be some wonderfully terrific suggestions here but, really, a lot of us didn't specifically choose an exact age and most of us seem to fluctuate a bit. Many of our answers here will be guesses or 'stabs in the dark', if you will.

For many here, being a little is more of our actual, internal mindset verses making a choice and roleplaying a specific, chosen age. When we finally get to express our internal mindset ("littlespace") then it's equivalent to us actually getting to act out our true feelings, thoughts, interests, likes, etc versus us just taking on a role temporarily for kicks.

Most of us didn't wake up one day and think, "Wow, it'd be cool to pretend to be a 10 year old!" Many of us have been hiding these thoughts, feelings, and interests for years--afraid to show what we really like because we know it isn't socially acceptable for an adult to be interested in things like (fill in the blank). When we finally sat down and tried to figure out what we liked it all kind of pointed toward that age.

Also, as a final note, you may not have a specific little age. Many of us have age-ranges or are so flexible in age ranges we're just "littles" and more generalized because we really enjoy things that are very childlike, very middle-like, very pre-teen like, and very teen-like. There is no shame in that either.

Good luck!
By abeyante
Personally, I think all littles have flexible levels of regression.

I'm autistic, so I have a pretty unavoidable sense of this flux. On my Biggest days, I'm probably about as emotionally mature as a teenager—perhaps 16-18. In my littlest moments, like if I'm really drained after a long vacation with a cramped plane ride and a taxi in the cold, I'm barely able to brush my own teeth, and I definitely can't fix myself a meal, and my verbal skills regress much more—I'm more like a toddler. Most days, I'm little enough to appreciate chew toys, stuffies, and cartoons, but old enough to be sassy and snarky. I like media aimed at the 8-10 range, but I also like scary movies and adventure video games. All together, I decided to mark my age on this site as 11. I feel like that's a nice average for me. Young enough to need care and babying, but old enough to rebel xD
By Nysali
@Star - awesome information, thank you for sharing as it has also helped me as well. :D Especially the part about being little as an internal mindset versus a specific roleplaying type thing. So true.

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