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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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I just kind of guessed based on the things I like(Pacis, sippycups/bottles, diapers). It was kind of a feeling and also stemmed from like years of telling people I am literally 2 years old inside. It was kind of a feeling of how old I felt, but you don't have to put an age on it! I don't think there is one specific way to know how old you are as a little
By bluedinosaursocks
In short, you don't really know, and it can be more difficult to naturally regress when you're constantly wondering about what age you might be.

At first, I had no idea. I've always enjoyed kids things, but I never really put a number on it. When I discovered that being little was a thing, I started to experiment. I wore some goodnites. Got a cheap pacifier. Got my old stuffed animals out. And went from there. I weeded out what I didn't like and stuck with the stuff that I did. I always make sure to revisit the things that I didn't care for, just in case my opinions have changed. Then, once I figured out what I liked, I put a number on it. I figured that kids usually use diapers until they're 2 or 3, so, I set that as my minimum age. I don't particularly enjoy being helpless or speechless, which is why 2 is my minimum age. Then I looked at all the other things that I like. Older kid toys like Lego, watching movies that aren't animated, eating "bigger" foods. And I put a cap on that, which, for me, is around 8 or so. Now, keep in mind that these aren't hard limits in any way. Sometimes, I like not being able to talk or walk, and so I feel 1. Some days though, I want to draw detailed pictures and play more advanced computer games, and I feel 10. It's very dependent on your mood.

Don't limit yourself, experiment, and have fun :)

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