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I'm not a Daddy but in any case loss hurts and ive heard it many times too that people dont have time for a relationship. To me this argument never made sense, i guess i feel that way because being with someone should not "cost" anything just add onto the happiness of both your lives? But maybe i only feel that way because im terrible at being by myself.

Anyhow, suggestion-wise i would look for distractions because honestly in my point of view the only way to really "move on" is to let time pass and as soon as you do you will bit by bit become more used to the new situation and this means also more mentally and emotionally open to move on from them and this is simply a process that takes time.
You could also try to find a new partner to fall in love with, go out, flirt, meet people "no strings attached", this helped me a lot after my break up to get a new perspective back on life, to realize my ex was not the only fish in the sea. However this approach might be really difficult if not impossible for someone that is subject of the heartbreak and not the one that decided to break it up.

Maybe just finding someone you can share daily life with will also relieve some of the stress you're feeling right now, and feel the comfort of sharing your life with someone and them sharing their life with you also. (even if they are just friends for the time being)

Hope this helps, and if ever you want to talk you can message me :)
By Deleted User 5120
Unfortunatly theres no quick fix, all id say s keep your chin up and stay friends if you can, if you need some time away to process things talk to her and expain your finding it difficult, if you have any hobbis you enjoy concentrate on them! (I used to model and when me and my little ended i got back into that, it helped!)

Stay posotive, and when you frel ready jump back on the horse and into the dating scene :)
Hi s-sirs. I j-just want to sh-share and maybe ask for o-opinions. cos me is also same with one whp post t-this.

My dada and i (together for 1 year and 3months) broke eem? up recently. w-would you help me how to get over with dada.. ? or whay should i do? .i-uhm sorry for a-askimh.
By Daddyslove4you
I was with my last Little for 10 years, and I can honestly say, when you create a true DDlg love, it never goes away , We've been split up for about a year, and she still calls me daddy, still texts me whenever she is sick, sad, lost, lonely, depressed. And I never reprimand her for still reaching out to her "Papa", because I still feel like it is my duty to be there for her always. BTW, Her boyfriend has no idea. And she doesn't call any other BF "Daddy". Actually, we had established that I was not her Boyfriend. I was her Daddy. When we tried having a regular Boyfriend/Girlfriend type of relationship, it would always fall apart. When we started researching DDlg, it all clicked into place.

If you want to be a good loving DD, you have to love unconditionally, and that can be quite difficult at times. I would always tell my ex "If you find a man that makes you happier than I do, go with him." And, even though she did find that man, she does NOT call him Daddy. The emotional bonds you create are very strong, and you'll know when it's real.

Your Little, even if she leaves you, will turn around as she is walking away, reach out her hand and cry out "Papaaa" So if your Little just walked away and never looked back so easily, she was never your Little to begin with. It's ok, though. Your loving Baby Girl is out there waiting for you to find her. :)
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