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By TwstdPrincess
Hey everyone!! So I'm super new here. And hoping to make lots of friends.

ANYWAY.. my Daddy is helping me with my anxiety and wants to offer me rewards for days I don't do destructive things (like pull my hair).

I want to avoid using food as a reward. Any suggestions?

All I can think of is stickers .. I don't want this to be too costly.

Thanks in advance!
By Deleted User 69497
How about snuggles/backrubs/massages, watch favorite movies, listen to favorite music, going on walks, playing games (board, card, rpg, video, etc). There's lots of free things people can do. It just depends on what you like to do.
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By NatQuakers

I am also a little, and I've struggled finding a reward system that works for me for a while too. Stickers are good because they can be flashy and affordable and consist of our favorite things. I do think being in little space that they are fun. But sometimes they are not a "strong" enough reward to avoid self-destructive behaviors like hair pulling.

Since you can't spend too much money on this I can't give you recommendations to get a stuffie every time etc. What has worked for me is stickers, yes, but a reward chart with a bigger reward at the end. Such as if you get so many stickers you can go do *insert more expensive prize* so it isn't so overwhelming. You can also spread out these *bigger* rewards depending on budget.

If motivation itself is an issue It could be hard to even fill this out every day. Bad weeks do happen and you shouldn't feel awful because you didn't gain any stickers. A way I've combatted this is having "mini" rewards even if I didn't get the star requirement of a calendar for the big reward. These can be very very simple things like slime for 1.25$ at dollar tree.

The fact you want to even avoid these behaviors means you care about getting better. You should be rewarded for that reason alone every month. A calendar separate from the sticker chart with random days you can choose "out of the prize box" (around 10$ worth of things from dollar tree) is a fun idea. Also to make it even more fun I would have your daddy choose what goes in it. This helps because as long as you fill out the chart you are being rewarded (even if it's not the big prize bc you are struggling).

I hope this insight helps, and if it doesn't, I hope you and your daddy find a perfect system for the both of you

-Just a little in a big world :pinkh:
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