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I wish there was a way to bring sanity to insane Behavior personality traits, but there isn't. It sounds like this person was not sincere with his intentions or feelings. Or it could have been a myriad of other unknown factors. While I can't comment on an individual's decision to back out of an agreement and run away, I can say that the young lady who felt closer than she had ever felt now knows what to look for. That closeness. That Bond. The universe has a way of working things out. That man was obviously not the right one for her, but I guarantee the right one will come along and match her perfectly. Patience is a virtue and time is on our side.
I too had a daddy. I admit the relationship was not long, but we supposedly had a connection (online graduating to meeting). Then one night he said he'll message me tomorrow and me still in my little space is all excited for tomorrow, but when I wake up our conversations had been deleted. I had never felt so crushed before. The next day I awakened to a message from him. He tells me he's sorry, there was a family emergency and he can't deal with anything anymore. Then just before he just deleted the account again, he said if he doesn't get back in 2 days then forget about him. I had tried to talk to him, but it didn't work. I ended up stuck in little space for days. I tried to talk to a friend (outside the community) but he didn't understand. He thought I was being silly.
It's so hard to find a daddy and in the chat rooms, everyone wants to be a daddy.
As a little I can say that most of us get attached easily without saying anything. I feel that simply leaving without telling your little will truly crush them . And it can mess with their head mentally .
🦄(i might be wrong on this next part )🦄
I feel that wanting to become a daddy dom .You should be willing to work with your little and have them understand the boundaries and the punishments . Instead of leaving out of nowhere because the relationship wasn't as good. I feel that there's a big difference in being a submissive and being into DDlg . In some ways they are similar because DDlg also deals with a submissive(little girl obeying). Some submissives don't even have a relationship out of s3x and commands. Where is with DDlg you spend personal time with your little girl . And you get to know her character and what she likes and doesn't. it's like a bond. ʕッ•ᴥ•ʔッ
| Having a disappearing Daddy dom is like a little girl waking up in the morning to her daddy gone.|
These bonds are supposed to bring you together . So for the Daddy dom to just disappear like that it can hurt the little girl . it can make her feel like she wasn't enough for her daddy . Or that he didn't even love her .
It's important to have a conversation with the little girl. Breakups are tough . In my perspective i wouldn't want to break up with my Daddy dom. And if the daddy dom truly loved his little girl he would make sacrifices to keep the relationship going.
let me remind you that there is a difference between a little girl and just a submissive relationship . So just leaving without saying anything to the little girl is not an option. You decided to become a Daddy dom so you should take responsibility. 👀
It is absolutely uncool to leave the little girl out of nowhere . When she put so much trust in you . :shakeno:
(Just my perspective of a little)
As a little I can say that most of us get attached easily without saying anything. I feel that simply leaving without telling your little will truly crush them . And it can mess with their head mentally .
🦄(i might be wrong on this next part )🦄
I feel that wanting to become a daddy dom .You should be willing to work with your little and have them understand the boundaries and the punishments . Instead of leaving out of nowhere because the relationship wasn't as good. I feel that there's a big difference in being a submissive and being into DDlg . In some ways they are similar because DDlg also deals with a submissive(little girl obeying). Some submissives don't even have a relationship out of s3x and commands. Where is with DDlg you spend personal time with your little girl . And you get to know her character and what she likes and doesn't. it's like a bond. ʕッ•ᴥ•ʔッ
| Having a disappearing Daddy dom is like a little girl waking up in the morning to her daddy gone.|
These bonds are supposed to bring you together . So for the Daddy dom to just disappear like that it can hurt the little girl . it can make her feel like she wasn't enough for her daddy . Or that he didn't even love her .
It's important to have a conversation with the little girl. Breakups are tough . In my perspective i wouldn't want to break up with my Daddy dom. And if the daddy dom truly loved his little girl he would make sacrifices to keep the relationship going.
let me remind you that there is a difference between a little girl and just a submissive relationship . So just leaving without saying anything to the little girl is not an option. You decided to become a Daddy dom so you should take responsibility. 👀
It is absolutely uncool to leave the little girl out of nowhere . When she put so much trust in you . :shakeno:
(Just my perspective of a little)
This is so painful. I'm a grown woman and i can't stop crying. I'm a crier anyways but wow this feels so deep--

I broke up with Daddy. Daddy would drink until he couldnt remember our playdates or nice things he'd said. That's not the Daddy I deserve. These past 4 months I let him in in ways I'd never imagined. He was so handsome, so kind, a Pisces, a musician. I've been told that any of these things could be a warning sign. The combination was so good but so bad. I am a daddy's girl in my big life so to call him MY daddy was such an incredible trust experience.

The last straw was when he asked to finally take me to the cat cafe. It was late, and one of my boundaries is to never drunk call or text babygirl. He did. The next day, no response about the date all day. When i asked, he said he was on a mission and didnt even explain. Probably to buy more alcohol, then =( doesn't he know that at 33 he should be building with me rather than tearing down my self esteem and his? God!

I felt literally like if he were to breed me, he would leave me and our actual child in the dust, stood up and left alone to feel insecure. I left him a long message on Insta message then unsent it. Then sent again. He never responded, not even to return my things. Not even my hula hoops ($100 value). I felt hated by him. Now i know that he probably just didn't have the words or emotional maturity to apologize and fix it again. Maybe he is staying away to respect my boundaries.

I'm so glad i found this thread-- it helps to talk about it. Of course, its still extremely painful, and I'm crying in between at work and had to take the day off yesterday. This hurts, though. Baby feel so sad and feels devastated at the idea of looking at or touching any other Daddy but mine 😔 :shakeno:
I'm a Daddy. To start off, I want to say that I've never personally ghosted a little. But I wanted to talk about why a caregiver might.

I've babysat a number of littles, and I've been in two DD/lb relationships, one past and one current.

My first little boy, I was with him for a year. It was an LDR, and I eventually met him in person for a magical week. However, not two months later, I had broken up with him. It took me years to seek out a non-vanilla relationship after that, because I had to grow and mature enough to learn how to communicate my needs. The breakup was painful for both of us.

In this relationship, I know how to express my needs better, and it's going amazing. After spending 2.5 long-distance, we've now moved in together, and recently celebrated our 3rd anniversary. It's totally different, and I put that down to maturity, clear and reasonable expectations, and excellent communication.

Someone previously mentioned the problem of pressure, and I think that's a really important point.

Men are expected to be strong and responsible. A dominant is expected to be strong and responsible. When you have a dominant man, those pressures are doubled. It can feel like "my little one needs me. I have to man up and put myself together." And "I can't put this on them; it's not their job to take care of ME." This is stuff that goes through your head without ever asking or consulting the little. The little one, at best, thinks everything is fine while pressure builds inside the dominant. At worst, the little sees the dominant acting tense and stressed, and thinks it's their fault.

Without the skills necessary to overcome this problem, it's inevitable that the relationship will fail. No matter how the dominant handles the breakup at that point, it's going to be painful. I can see why a daddy dom in this situation, especially in an LDR, would choose to avoid the pain of a real breakup, and instead just hit the block button. It's not the mature choice, but I can see how it would happen.

If I may provide some advice... when looking for a serious relationship with a dominant, look for someone who is willing to be honest and vulnerable. To explain their limits, their needs, and their emotional state. If the guy you're talking to is only ever feeling excited, basically, he's not interested in a serious relationship. And if the person you're talking to is always "on," always in dominant mode... that's a sign that they aren't able or willing to be vulnerable with you. Everyone has hard days, you know?

Anyway, that's my two cents!
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