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Uhm, well.. I was a little since I was little xD
I never lost my inner child and I always wanted to be a child..
When I met my Daddy first he told me, that I'm not that strange girl with strange wishes and hobbys that everybody else told me. He said "you r just a little girl".
I don't know ddlg before I met him.
Warning this is gonna be long because I am TALKATIVE lol so I'm sorry in advance :sry:
This has been an ongoing thing for me honestly. I knew I had a Daddy kink for years, and that I liked being taken care of, but I figured that was just an aspect of my submissive side. In my relationships I'd have moments where I'd slip into a smol voice pitch and act all silly and giggly when I'd get really happy and felt doted on. I wouldn't outgrow a lot of things I got into as a kid, and I'd find myself revisiting or getting into things directed to kids as I got older, like being into MLP and stuff like that.
As I got a little older, I'd get more overwhelmed at basic adult things, which I would try very hard to push past so I could do the productive thing. But so often I'd want to shut down and curl into a ball. And I'd be naïve about a lot of things, and some of my friends called me ditsy for it.
I first heard about Dd/lg through youtube videos, and I was very curious about it. I felt like things applied to me, but I only ever saw Littles who were into AB which is not quite where I fall on the spectrum. So I felt like my littleness didn't "count" because I didn't specifically wear diapers, colored, or used a paci. I take the BeDeeSeM quiz frequently to see if things changed over time, and while the Boy/Girl or Ageplayer stats were never super high, they were never that low either, like it was usually more than 50%. Over the last year, I started watching more educators and doing more research because I am in a D/s dynamic but also a relationship. My Daddy never forced anything on me or put anything in my head, things just sort of fell into place with us; he reads to me, brushes my teeth, runs bubble baths for me, picks out my food, gives me a bedtime. All of those things got me very excited and made me feel very safe. I started giving in more to this idea that I don't want to do the big girl thing. I started taking more time to just feel smol, watched things I grew up with like the Muppets, Peter Pan, classic Disney, musicals and fantasy stories like the Hobbit. I wouldn't have a care in the world, I felt like a kid again, it was euphoric. A lot of this has been my own journey finding my littlespace. Wearing what makes me feel cute, taking pleasure in the little things, eating food that makes me excited, not stressing so much about all the big people things, letting myself just relax, and feel full of wonder and magic.
The BeDeeSeM test updates it's questions a lot, and the Little stat was waaaaaayyyyyyyyy higher than it used to be. I started really looking inward at myself, who I am, what makes me happy, what I need, and when I found this site, I read the "How do I know" article, and I just checked every box. I held off on embracing it for a while, and just wondering if I had "Little tendencies," because while on this journey, people didn't understand it, and I kept having to explain things while still figuring it out for myself. I worried too much about what others would say or whether I was valid, but all that matters is what makes me happy. I am a Little, and I am so proud to be :splode: :stuffie: and I can't wait to be a part of this community and to make Little friends to be smol with. :hugs:
What is even more exciting is how on board my Daddy is, he's always been curious about exploring it with someone, and has always found littles to be very cute. So he is beyond happy to incorporate it into our dynamic :splode:
Hello there. Ah I guess I might have always known I was a little maybe since I was in high school.
Then I got older and after doing so research, bam here I am - a real little . And I don't know how people would really react to me be being little. I think some people can sort of tell, but I haven't really told anyone yet besides my internet friends. and my former classmates don't know I am a little either. I still have a pacifier before bedtime which is why I love being a little
It never occurred to me to consider my test results on that site! But ageplayer or boy/girl is always 100% or close to it when I take it. Weirdly though I'm not really into it in that way, like...if my partner were down for that kind of roleplay maybe now and then but for the most part it's the same as any of my kinks; I can take or leave them depending on the situation. They might be a want at times but not a need.

This aspect of me feels separate from that because I've always been into "younger" things even when I was a child/teen. For me it was less about self-discovery and more about realizing "oh there's a word for this." No one in my life has ever made me feel bad about it (generally I'm pretty fortunate in that everything I enjoy tends to fall on the "socially acceptable for adults" scale; I don't like AB stuff for example) and if people think there's something wrong with me, well...I mean they're right, but THIS isn't what's wrong with me! :rofl: No one in my life has a real concept of what a "little" is or that I'd describe myself as one, and some of them have some misconceptions about it, but they all like me the way I am. They don't think it's weird that I like cute "kid" things, or if they do they don't think it's the bad kind of weird. So my entire life has basically been just existing this way, and then finding out I'm not the only one. I've had a really smooth ride in that regard, which I'm grateful for.
I’ve always been a submissive but didn’t know I was a little till a couple years back. I’m forty-one, a single mother of two. Loved playing blocks and games with my children but chalked that up as been a mom. I also had a lot of responsibility on my shoulders so it wasn’t till they got older that I even started dating again.
My relationships weren’t lasting long. Then a couple years ago I met a Dom. Being in the structured relationship had my little pushing forward and he recognized it. He’s not a Daddy though and as my little came out more we parted ways.
While I now let my little side out and recognize that part of myself I haven’t found a Daddy yet.
It was interesting though to look back and see that faults I found in myself were my little side peaking out all these years. I’m horrible at remembering to pay bills, auto pay has saved my bottom. I lose interest in things I’m doing and move onto the next. I’m messy. Hate doctors and dentist as they scare me. And the dark is not my friend. I’m also supper shy and get embarrassed easily.
I now have a mommy friend who helps me until I find a Daddy and even that is a huge weight lifted off me.
Ive always been interested in baby stuffs, like toys and bottles and pacis and diapers. So I guess I've always been a "little". It was when I was like 18 or 19 i started act out more serious as a baby when I met my first caregiver. Since 10 years ago I started to live even more as a baby. And recent years I've become more like a 24/7 baby.
But I live out as a baby at my home or at my caregivers place because of the easy misunderstanding by society.
I honestly don't remember when I realized I was little. I think maybe it was during some kinna BeDeeSeM educational learning thing I was doing online in Second Life? And then I started to get curious and did some research and found out about Inner Children, then that led me to the Littles and Caregivers side.

I can't remember how long it took for me to accept it tho. As foorrr what I do to get into Little Space, I actually find some Magical Girl animes and watch those. I used to watch these kids and some adults play with baby dolls. You know, the ones where you like can make fake food with paper for them to feed them and stuff? Those. I wanted one of those but still haven't bought it yet XD. Not sure if I'm gonna.

As for good experiences, I honestly don't think I've had any. I rarely show my little side to strangers anymore unless I know they're littles too or they're my friends.
Well I always had a child like personality and view of the world but how I found out I was a little is a funny story ; so my boyfriend (at the time ) and I were just starting to get really close and I was starting to trust him so I decided to baby talk around him just to see his reaction (because previously I only did things like that alone because of fear of judgment) and I was surprised to see that he actually thought it was cute so after a couple of months I did a bit of research because I was curious as to why I tended to have child like behaviors and that's when I found out about age regression :yay:
I only told a few chosen people willing and those people were really accepting and wanted to ask questions to make sure they fully understood but they handful of people that found out without me telling them I'll just say they weren't to receiving :shakeno:
But regardless of the unaccepting people I still love my regression because it's apart of who I am
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