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I say I'm little 24/7 because I never truly fall out of the mindset or actions, but I do take on adult responsibilities like a job, grocery shopping, typically bathing myself, etc. Daddy is always "Daddy" though and always takes on the Caregiver role in every aspect of our relationship and daily life.

I've come to the realization within the past couple of years that, for whatever reason, the holiday season (the months of November/December primarily) increases my anxiety levels.

I have social anxiety and it increases so much during these couples of months that it is negatively impacting my life. I want to miss work so I can avoid communicating with people. I put off grocery shopping to extreme points to avoid the crowds of people.

And my social anxiety is weird. It comes from some internal idea of mine that I'm in the way of other people. I know I'm a people pleaser but it gets pretty rough.

It puts a lot of stress on me and makes me feel like I'm going crazy because I'm trying to avoid other people and because my emotions are a little nuts due to the increase in anxiety levels. For example, someone here on this site said my baby doll was scary and I cried. Not just a little bit either--I'm talking I bawled crying on the bed for a good hour over it. Logically, I know a lot of people aren't into the reborn dolls but at the time I felt like another little--another person who I thought could understand me and my weirdness pretty well--said I was scary. I know it's silly but I just feel so much more sensitive lately. :cry:

So, recently, it seems that I am little more often and more deeply. I need a lot more nurturing. I need a lot more comforting. I need a lot more love and tenderness.

My question is, littles with social anxiety--do you find yourself being more little or more frequently little more often during your anxiety spikes?
Definitely. My anxiety spikes are usually out in public though. And depending on the noise level and the amount of people depends how bad. I usually just cling to Daddy's arm and he keeps me safe and out of the way of things that make me more anxious, then when we get home I get cuddles until I can unwind and be myself again.
I feel you. My anxiety is always hellish. Its worse when I'm alone, somewhere new, crowds, somewhere noisy, and holiday work stress, the list can honestly go on. lol. But I honestly have to fight myself to not revert into little space and just break down and cry. I spent literally all day yesterday in bed crying simply over one little dispute with a coworker.
I can relate! Sometimes I can't handle the crowds and the responsibilities and one small comment can seem like the biggest thing and make me want to cry, cry, cry... Just like PrincessSassyFace above. The other night, I found it helped when I sat down with some crayons and I drew my feelings, which basically amounted to calming scrolls and vines around the edge of the paper with great big red zigzags in the middle. Is there anything that calms you down, if coloring isn't it? Maybe silly putty (works for bigs, too!)? A small squishy toy that you can keep in your bag or your pocket? It would help to create something safe that you can keep with you that will remind you of your most comfortable, happiest space and bring you back there. I hope your anxiety subsides a little <3
I have terrible anxiety to. I used to have panic attacks before I had to go to work and do adult stuff. I absolutely avoid talking to people. I constant think people are making fun of me and I get bad paranoid clinging on to one of my stuffies at home helps. In public my Daddy bought me a cute stress doll to keep I my purse of finding nemo. It helps me a lot and a lot of adults want one to so they don't think anything weird about it

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