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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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By WannabeLittle
Well Hello, I have taken an interest in the DD/lg lifestyle and have been reading blogs for about a month now. I would like to be a little but I am worried I wont be able to. I'm overweight, and I'm bipolar. I take my medicine when I remember, I do work and I do have school. I am engaged to and my fiance is open minded and thanks that the DD/lg lifestyle might just be for us. I'm not sure how do we start, whats the first step to take after researching?
By DaddysPrinzessin
My Daddy and I started off by setting out our rules. I have them written on posters and hung on our wall so that I can't forget them. Establish what you're going to call each other, some Daddy Doms don't enjoy being called Daddy, but there's a lot of alternatives. And there's tons of names for littles, too. My Daddy really liked Princess. After that, it's super easy. At least for us it was. I got a coloring book and sometimes my Daddy will lay on the floor with me while I color. He'll watch Pooh Bear movies and stroke my hair while I lay in his lap. It's amazing.

Also, your mental health issues and weight have no effect on your ability to be a little, I promise. I'm taller than my Daddy and weigh almost 3 times he does. I also have depression and bad anxiety. But when you're in little space, those things don't matter.
By WannabeLittle
Thanks I really needed that reassurance, TeddyBear and I listed our rules yesterday today were gonna hang em up. I supper duper happy. Your right he was to comfortable with me calling him daddy but he loves TeddyBear and he calls me little beauty so awesome sauce. thank you so much were gonna shop for little supplies next week, I hope to get jumbo coloring books and a puzzle and crayons and markers and snacks and juice.
By BriBri360
DaddysPrinzessin wrote:You're welcome, and good luck! My Daddy and I can't afford coloring books and things like that. Even though the only thing I want is one paci.
Just a friendly suggestion, if you have any dollar stores in your area, like Dollar Tree, you can often find things like cheap toys, coloring books, crayons, baby wipes and many other little, AB, kiddy things for $1 a piece. Walmart also sells some of these items for that price too. Also checking stores during back to school sales can help with the cost of some of these things. I got a box of crayons for $0.25.

I know it's not much, but I don't have much money myself and I LOVE dollar stores. If they didn't exist, I wouldn't be able to have a couple of the things I do or indulge.

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