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Looking for your Little? Wanting your own little? middle? girl? boy? baby? younger sister or brother? Maybe even a caregiver to match you? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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DateCGL Username (required): RavenD
Legal Age:45
Gender Identity: Male
physically intimate Orientation: Straight
Location: Kansas, USA
Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single

What type of partner are you looking for here? single female

Are you open to long distance relationships or only local matches? both are fine

Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships? Mongamous

Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have: I look for someone submissive who'll do what Daddy says,(of course, if there's something they're uncomfortable with, to speak up), isn't asking for a sugar daddy.
Sweet girl that I can trust not to cheat on me even in distance or play me.
Someone that understands me, and a relationship can be built. A Little who'll be as interested
in my day as I always try to be in her's. Someone I can have a decent conversation with
when not in Little space :) because without a connection in adult & little space, there's really no relationship.
Someone who doesn't do drugs or get drunk to excess (the occasional drink is fine)

What are some things that have led you to identifying as a Caregiver?I've had the honor of being a Daddy for many years & having the trust & love of someone who wants u to take care of them in every possible way is the most honest form of trust I can think of & something that isn't lightly given but once it is, it's magickal. I'm single at this time but when I have my Little it's not just being in love with someone but being able to truly take care of them when they need you most, having them trust you enough to take care of them when they're at their most vulnerable is a trust that I never take lightly. To have a good time with my Little, giving her crafts to do, doing them with her, watching tv, movies together or whatever it is she and I like to do is something I always treasure. To dry their tears, to listen to their problems & to help them grow and become a better person, which should be something we strive for in any relationship.

Are you into physically intimate and/or nonsexual Caregiver/little regression? I'm into physically intimate but if my partner doesn't wish to be physically intimate when in Little space that's ok too

How long have you identified as a Caregiver? over 15 years

Are you a Caregiver that likes to or expects to punish your Little? I don't like to punish but I will if a rule's broken

What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing to your Little? Praising my girl, letting her get a new coloring book, toy when she's done well. Giving her a special snack or meal, letting her watch a movie she doesn't normally get to watch, things of that nature.

What do you think you have to offer to a partner? Being a caregiver comes very natural to me so I think I can provide stability, protection, love and caring to my partner.

Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios: Taking my girl to a park and letting her have fun on the swings or going for a long hike with a picnic.

What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy? German soccer, reading, music, watching a movie, going for a hike

What are 3 movies or TV shows you enjoy? marvel movies, scary movies, paranormal shows

What are 3 of your favorite foods? strawberries, pizza, fresh bread

What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists? Nightwish, Epica, Faun

What is something you have recently learned? I've recently been working with clay again so learned how to create larger items with clay

What is your current biggest life achievement? Having an art show & publishing books on Wicca tie

During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react? I try to take some time to cool down, discuss things intelligently; I won't lie- sometimes yelling is involved if it gets heated enough but I'll take a break- go for a walk, listen to some music, exercise and then return to resolve things peacefully.

What do you think of being partnered to a Little who requires a large portion of your attention? I am self-employed and I work from home so that's not too difficult provided my partner also realizes I have to get my work done and that there are times when I'm less available

What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself? When I'm with someone, I give them all of me, I simply ask for the same in return & I do enjoy when my partner is concerned about what's going on in my life as much as I am concerned about hers.

Thank you both. I'm still confused. But because […]


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