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Caregivers, Mommies, Daddies, adult babies, middles, babyfur, and all other Bigs and littles discuss regression, relationship dynamics, have open group conversation, share experienced advice, and exchange ideas to help one another grow in knowledge.
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By BobbyJoe333
Is it to possible that a little can accept someone with these problems? i mean im definitely working on them and stuff, but as i am now it may take a month or two still to get on my own feet. not sure if i can or not... most likely cant but i want someone else's input other than my own.
Is a little he suffers from depression anxiety I personally feel like anyone with it are the people who truly do need to have someone that is willing to except it and help with it regardless of what role you play you're still human and despite the fact that there is age play in ddlg The fact still remains that it is a relationship and in a relationship you're supposed to have someone to lean on and your partner yes it is possible for a little to except it you just have to find the right one as with all relationships

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A DDLG relationship is all about accepting someone for who they are. It's necessary in order for the relationship to function. So yes, I'm sure there's a little out there that would accept you with your flaws, just as you accept them with their flaws.

However, in order to be a daddy you need to be DOMINATE, and in order to be dominate, you need some level of confidence. If you have anxiety/depression/PTSD, you probably have low self-esteem. This would be the main thing that holds you back, and what you would need to work on the most IMO. Remember also, that confidence can grow as a relationship grows.
By Bunny-fluff
Both me and my daddy have depression. At the moment mine is under control more than his. If anything I can cheer my daddy up a bit more when I'm in little space as all I want is daddy to be happy. It's harder to understand why daddy is still sad despite my best efforts but obviously I understand that he is poorly and that's why. I think taking care of a little can also help as you feel like you have purpose and are needed and are that littles world.
As someone that had suffered from depression and anxiety related issues, I like to believe that that doesn't define my personality. Sometimes I still get affected by it, but with time I learned how to keep the whole thing in order, sometimes more successful than others, I admit. I don't believe that someone "chooses" or "not chooses" other person to a DD/lg relationship in regards of two different aspects of personality, since in my opinion, a DD/lg relationship develops with time, if she gets to know the part of you that's less happy (which is a possibility because those problems can be actually improved with care) she will also get to know the other parts of you, the good ones. I don't think there's a "you have this, you're out!" sort of thing, there are various types of littles , some will look at your depression and believe it's something that they don't want to mess with, there are others that will see you for who you are and will accept you, maybe see your whole depression/anxiety as a minor thing, or maybe as something that she might help you with.
Try not to forget that you're dealing with people, there are various factors to be taken to account, plus, a DD/lg relationship is still a relationship and like in every relationship, you have to find a partner that accepts you for who you are and nurture your qualities and accept that you're flawed person.
Have you looked for professional help? They might help when we're bouncing a little bit in life...
Good luck and here's some pizza! :food:
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