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By Zer0
Daddy, Wolf, and I are getting a house! Wolf and I are the ones doing the paperwork because we have better credit ratings. Daddy said that's why he only gives me an allowance to spend on things. (I should clarify I mean on myself, mostly craft things, toys, little space items. Not groceries, personal hygiene, or things along those lines.) Wolf mentioned that I need a big space for a craft room and a playroom for my toys. I said I need the whole house. Ha ha ha!!!

I am soooo done with adulting and being big when dealing with the paperwork and inspections and appraisal and all that stuff.. I did have a tiny "break" during the inspection because I started baby talk to Wolf and kept wondering off to look out the windows. I have to adult at work and be big. Oh well. Hopefully we will be in our house by August 1st.
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