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Looking for your Little? Wanting your own little? middle? girl? boy? baby? younger sister or brother? Maybe even a caregiver to match you? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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  • User avatar
  • Name: Eric
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 155lb
  • Location: mid Michigan
  • Occupation: worker
  • Current Marital or Relationship Status: single
  • physically intimate orientation: Heteroflexible
  • What are some things that have led you to identifying as a Caregiver? I always do my best to take care of others before myself
  • What type of partner are you looking for here?
    I'm looking for a little girl, preferably one that can occasionally switch but mostly little.
  • Are you open to long distance relationships or only local?
    Local preferred, I'll drive a little bit, but no long distance.
  • Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have: a little girl that can switch on rare occasions, I'd love for her to be into diapers or pull ups, she needs to be a nonsmoker, and she needs to have a high libido, i like to play. I'm not too picky on appearance but I'd like someone on the smaller side so it feels a little more authentic but I'm up for negotiation. I'd like for her to be a gamer and be into the same things as me.
  • Are you into physically intimate or nonsexual Caregiver/little play?
    I'm very much a physically intimate caregiver. Sex is a big part of me, I'm from the kink community and sex is a must.
  • Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
    I'm more monogamous but I like having a twisty 3some sometimes.
  • How long have you been into the Caregiver/little dynamic? I've been a little for a long time, and I've been a caregiver for about 5 years.
  • What are you looking for in a little? I want my little in diapers or pull ups, I'd like for them to be polite, but I need them to be a little patient as I work a lot.
  • What do you think you have to offer to a little?
    Honestly I have a lot to offer a little, I have so much love to give, I'm a little sometimes myself so I know what littles need. I can change wet diapers or pull ups no problem. I understand the mindset of littles.
  • What are some common punishments you use to discipline, correct, or guide?
    Well if my little is cheeky she gets a cheeky punishment, if she's bad she gets a real punishment, she can't be a brat and expect to get rewarded with spankings, but if she's good she may have what she wants.
  • What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing?
    I reward with candy and little presents, sometimes special kisses. ;)
  • Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios:
    No physically intimate,... I guess just being able to dress her up and occasionally check to see if she's dry. Uhm I think it would be adorable to watch her walk around the house in just a shirt and diaper/pull up.
  • What are some general nicknames you like to call your little?
    Little one, baby, etc.
  • What is one thing that all (Daddy, Mommy, or Caregiver) Doms should know? Limits. All people are individuals and need to be negotiated with differently. Having a little is a privilege/luxery Don't ever abuse people.
  • What do you think makes a Caregiver Dom different than a regular or general Dominant?
    More loving and soft, more parental.
  • What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
    Walking, cuddling, videogames, psychology, Netflix
  • What are 3 movies you enjoy?
    V for Vendetta, pirates movies, split was neat
  • What are 3 of your favorite foods?
    Steak, coffee, potatoes
  • What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists?
    Watsky, the pillows, 90s music
  • What is something you have recently learned?
    I just recently tried drag and it has brought me a lot of insight on girls. I'm learning some of the struggles girls go through with appearance.
  • What is your current biggest life achievement?
    Learning how to be happy. I've always just worked, I'm now learning how to go out and live.
  • What do you think of a little who requires a large portion of your attention during your free time?
    I wouldn't mind as long as I was respected.
  • During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
    I usually put their feelings before my own, but I'm learning to balance that out so I don't get walked on.
  • What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
    I work a lot but I have a huge heart, uhmm. I'm too open and too honest for most people to handle. I always tell the truth.ive never cheated on any of my previous partners.
    Hope to hear from someone.
Hi I don't know if you are still looking but I am also from Michigan looking for a daddy.
I am 19 but I am a little or AB
I like to color pictures
I like to watch cartoons my favorites are Sofia and Futurama
I like red and purple
I like when daddy buys me stuffies and onsies and paci's
I like when daddy gives me bathies and brushes my hair and sits me on his lap
I like when daddy plays with me
I like when daddy gives me rules even though I break them sometimes...
I like my rewards for when I'm a good girl and I like my punishments when I'm not being a good girl

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