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New, inexperienced, and recently discovered adult babies, regressors, littles, and Caregivers ask for perspectives, advice, tips, and information from more knowledgeable friends.
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Hey it’s me again lol Here’s what I got. My job is really stressful. Really demanding of me. Like really really. I come home so tired and ready to kick off my shoes and chillax lol I love having my weekends off to disconnect but to tell the truth I love walking in the office Monday morning even more! Lol 2 months ago I was employee of the month. Again! Lol Sometimes it feels fun when I have something challenging to figure out. I love my job! It always feels like primary school again in some ways, with teachers and classmates and the break room feels a little like recess on lunch hour. But I keep reading about littles not wanting to work or hating the responsibility of a job. That no little likes any responsibility and work is too adult to like doing all the time. I have other traits but this one seems like a big conflict, what do you think? Does me liking my stressful job mean I’m probably not actually a little? :gigs: also lol what is this thing
It’s a bit different but I’m a teacher and I adore my job. I love going into work. I enjoy being big and I have a passion for my job. Sure I have the “perfect job” for a little but I don’t get to play. J have to lesson plan and prepare and always be watching so many kids at once. So I do understand and you can definitely still be a little. You’ve found a great balance of loving little space while also loving the responsibilities of being big! And I think that’s wonderful
By Deleted User 66578
Being a professor, this is relatable. I have some components of a little (and some of the Daddy), but I know two teachers that are littles. Doing what you like is healthy for the little. Passion is bringing up all the natural emotions from you. So, yeah, you can still be a little, the fact that you teach is not any kind of indicator, There are many more important questions.
Granted, I'm very new to the little world - but as with most lifestyles or identities, I don't think you necessarily need to fit every single trait that most littles have. I'm sure there's things that I'm interested in or enjoy that other littles aren't into - just like I don't necessarily fit everyone's view of what a transman is.

When it comes to jobs, I investigate fraud, and I actually quite like doing it - it involves a lot of critical thinking, and analyzing, and makes me feel like I'm doing a little bit of good in the world - but I don't imagine that your traditional little would necessarily be into it. Still though, I don't see it making me any less of a little than others. If anything, I think it makes a lot of sense that someone with a stressful job would enjoy being a little during their downtime. It makes me think of subs who are in high pressure jobs - y'know? Someone who has a lot of responsibility and just wants a way to release that stress after their day job is done.

The way I see it. If you feel like a little, you're a little, and it's simple as that. Do what you enjoy and don't worry about fitting into a neat little box <3
I love my job (I’m a teacher) and find that the responsibility of that job, only makes me enjoy little space even more. I have so much work to do and my job means that I have an absolutely massive amount of responsibility. Getting to kick back and not have any responsibility for a while only makes little space that much better.
Also, I think that it’s so important to have that separation between big and little. Having a job as part of your big life will go a long way towards achieving that :-)

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