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So, this is some of the painting I do. Models range from one and a half inches to more than eight inches tall. Most took around six hours to complete, with the larger ones taking far longer- the bull-headed giant took more than thirty hours start to finish.






Ohhh wow ! You have to have a steady hand and some amazing patience to be able to do that. Those look pretty coolios for real though! You did a really good job~ and from your other post I like your armour (sorry to post it here instead of that one but it's easier to type one longer one and have plenty of words to comment than have to type 250 on each ^^;;) :3
Thank you :) Its taken me more than twenty years to get to the level I'm at now, though I find that I'm starting to get a little lazy in my projects- I've sort of reached a plateau where progressing further may be beyond my capabilities. There are techniques that have come about since I started that I have trouble reproducing.

Of course, it might just mean I've got to knuckle down and try harder...

Also, thanks for the compliment on the armor. I've only worn it a handful of times (turns out, armor is heavy and hot and very restrictive- I mean, who knew, right?).
Oh wow, you've been doing that a loooong time 0.0. ^^ you do great with it so I'm sure you can continue to get better!

0.0 noooo? Lol, I would have never guessed ^^ hehe.
Where did you get it? And do you do conventions or anything ? Or just wear it for fun? Or maybe it's the comfort :P
Yeah, a long time indeed. It's kind of funny sometimes, looking back at something that I've been doing for the majority of my life like that.

I don't quite remember what site I bought the armor from, it was something like Dark Knight Armories or something. I bought it because I was trying to get back into a LARP that I hadn't really participated in for a few years now. Wanted to be the big armored tank. But it turns out that, in the heat, it's almost unbearable- I'm in no real condition to be charging around hitting people until I get in better shape physically. I haven't worn it to any conventions, but now that I'm free to start attending them I might consider it.

But, it's pretty nice to be able to say "Why yes, I do in fact have a suit of shining armor" :D
It's nice that you were able to keep a hobby/interest like that for so long though.

lol, I'd imagine it to be dreadful indeed. I can't stand the heat so I imagine in all the gear it would be quiet wretched. But it's cool you used to LARP. I always thought that seemed like a fun thing to do. I don't do well in public or with people though so I could never do it lol.

I think I might be a teen little?

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New to being a little



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