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By lilrosieluv
It's been a few days since I came online. It's been rough. Can't relax long enough to littlespace.

Sick, feeling kinda down, pretty stressed. And I'm feeling pretty self-loathing to top things off. Eh...for those that have the time, here's a small rundown of some feelings/things that are going on for us. Mainly me, heh.

I kind of feel like I have to fit some sort of...criteria to be pretty or to be a cute little.
I have people, a couple people, that tell me otherwise but...sometimes it doesn't help.
I'm more than a little overweight. I'm ashamed that I'm twice the weight I should be to be healthy. And I can feel it.
But stress-eating. Oooohhh the stress-eating.
Bored? Stressed? A ton to do and not enough time or motivation? To the kitchen I go.

We're being evicted from my home of 11 years to make room for landlord's family. And my partner/CG is between jobs right now. And rent is expensive, places to rent are scarce.

My CG is suffering from chronic panic attacks, making it hard for me to feel anything but guilty when I feel like being little, even when she says it helps her too because it gives her something to focus on other than stresses.

I am so lost. And trying to maintain all this without stressing out my son is really hard.

I don't usually grab for attention but with my CG sick too...some nice words or advice, ideas on what to do to gain some happy.

Sorry for the ramble. ^^
Thanks for reading. And if you respond, thanks for that too.
Please though, no negativity. Please.
I really don't think I could handle it.
By StrawberryMonsterMix
I'm sorry things aren't going well for you or your Cg.
I know what you mean about the whole criteria thing. I'm overweight, too. Tbh, I really didn't stop viewing my body as unacceptable until I joined a lot of fat acceptance groups, mainly on Tumblr. They really helped me take better care of myself both physically and mentally, and it was without the pressure to lose weight. I've since gained a pretty good attitude about my body as well as myself. They don't pressure you into exercising or anything, but the yoga group within the fat acceptance community is awesome. Also, it's worth keeping in mind that your health does not determine your worth. I mean, by that logic, cancer patients or those with chronic illnesses aren't worth anything, and that's just a bunch of bs.

I hope I helped. :hugs:
Oh my goodness! With all that going on, just about anyone would be overwhelmed!

I don't have a lot to offer, but take care of you. There's nothing to feel guilty about when you take some time for yourself -- it just means you're better able to deal with all that other stuff.

You got this.
With everything going on I can see why it's hard to be positive. Here's some positive thoughts maybe to help you. Take a deep breath in and blow it out. Everything is out of your hands nothing you can do to change it. Find something daily that makes you smile. Life is hard it wasn't ment to be easy. But at least your living it so that's a positive. Everything will be ok and will end up how it's ment to be. Stay strong. Life is just a roller coaster ride. I hope everything finds a balance soon.
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