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Discuss and share books, television shows, movies, games, and other recreational fun.
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My favorite books are
The secret teachings of all ages
Isis Unveiled
The kybalion
Brave new world
Tragedy and hope
A world unknown
The passing of a great race
For whom the bell tolls
The count of Monte Christi
Usually I just read factual material but I do so enjoy all genres just as much. I just find learning from actual end hand examination is a more efficient way for me to understand the world we live in, both above and below. Of course, I'm just me \:/
What are your favorite books?
My favorite books would have to be The Thief of Always, The Abarat series, and The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker, Sabriel by Garth Nix, The Unicorn Sonata and The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, Good Omens by Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman, Alice's Adventures Underground, In a Dark Dark Room and Other Scary Stories, The Dangerous Alphabet

Who are your favorite authors?
I love Clive Barker, Terry Pratchett, and Christopher Pike.

What are your favorite genres?
Dark Fantasy, horror, fantasy, satire

What genres won't you read?
romance, western

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
I read real books. I started to read ebooks, but they didn't keep my attention and I couldn't get as into them I found. It's just not the same. I like having it in my hand and physically turning the pages, the sound, the smell, I guess. :)

What books do you recommend most to others?
I definitely recommend any Piers Anthony books. They have a lot of cute puns. Any Goosebumps books of course, The Bunnicula series, The Abarat, The Discworld series, The Dark Tower

How often do you get to read?
I read maybe once a month now, but I used to read everyday before life and obligations kicked in.

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
Now I probably read 3 books a year :(
What are your favorite books?
  • Hold Still by Nina Lacour
  • Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris
  • Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King (as well as any of his other books)
  • Any Series of Unfortunate Events book
Who are your favorite authors?
  • Stephen King
  • Thomas Harris
  • Tomie Depaola
  • Shel Silverstein
What are your favorite genres?
  • Romance
  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Macabre
What genres won't you read?
  • I very rarely read science fiction
Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
  • Physical books, I like being able to tangibly touch what I'm reading
What books do you recommend most to others?
  • Hold Still by Nina Lacour
How often do you get to read?
  • Not very often, I'm a full time student and my college classes require much attention, sadly
How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
  • I read at least thirty books in a year
Anyone on GoodReads?
  • No
What are your favorite books?

Pretty much anything thought provoking...
Who are your favorite authors?
Glenn Cook, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, robert asprin jody lynn nye (Who I'll group together because the each work on the same series), Jim Butcher, David Eddings, recently N.K Jemisin. And Patrick Rothfus who needs to write the third book in his series before he decides to make a HBO show out of it...

What are your favorite genres?

Mostly Fantasy but it has to be fantasy with adult thought provoking themes or satirically witty. philosophy, psychology and ethics.~ I like to debate...

What genres won't you read?

I'll read pretty much anything as long as it's well written and though provoking. Though books were the authors think they are witty and try to add in irrelevant comments annoy me...

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?

I used to be a big fan of only physical books but recently (since a few years ago) I've decided I like electronic books better as I can carry a ton of them with me at once and not have to carry 20lbs of stuff.

What books do you recommend most to others?


If you want to laugh and enjoy satire Phule's company and the MYTH I.N.C light novels written by Robert Asprin and Joddy Lynn Nye are pretty funny.

If you want to spend the next few years of your life reading the same series Robert Jordan Wheel of time or Terry Goodkind The Sword of Truth.

Glenn Cook's The Black Company series makes for some very dark more realistic fantasy warfare series. And his Garret P.I. novels are a fantasy noire style.

Jim Butcher's Dresden Novels are another set of fantasy noire esk ones. And David Eddings Belgarid more ancient fantasy type novels are both thought provoking revolving around one character.

Finally, N.K Jemisin's the fifth season series deals with a lot of today's hot topics such as same sex relation ships, parent child relationships and morality using a fantasy environment in a great way.

For Ethics Taking Sides covers a variety of ethical issues well

For Philosophy and Psychology
There a great many good books out there that focus on a broad range of topics. Though in particular I can say that child psychology and philosophy are very interesting.

TIM (about six years), while busily engaged in licking a pot, asked, “Papa, how can we be sure that everything is not a dream?” (p. 1)

How often do you get to read?
Again depends...I get into spurts where I read a lot of books very quickly back to back and it consumes almost all my time. Then I get into phases where I'm just not intrested in what's out to read ATM and don't read for awhile.

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
Again it depends on what point in a reading spurt I am. When I'm reading a lot per year 40-50 is easily doable maybe 10-20 on years I'm not that interested in what's out.

Anyone on GoodReads?
By lilsmolpotato
I love to read! It's one of my all time favorite things to do. :)

What are your favorite books?
There are so many! Off the top of my head I'd say -- Written On The Body, Lincoln In The Bardo, Hardboiled Wonderland and the end of the World, The Apprenticeship of Big Toe P, The Vegetarian, In Search of Lost Time, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Pride & Prejudice, I Stand Here Ironing, The Year of Magical Thinking, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Brain Dead Megaphone... and so many more!

Who are your favorite authors?
Again, there are many, but the ones who wrote the books listed above are... Jane Austen, Marcel Proust, George Saunders, Oscar Wilde, Haruki Murakami, Jeanette Winterson, Rieko Matsuura, Joan Didion, Tillie Olson, Han Kang, David Sedaris. There are tons of amazing writers out there!

What are your favorite genres?
I read creative non-fiction essays and fiction mostly. My favorite genres are Magical Realism, Cyber Punk and traditional Gothic literature. I also tend to be a big fan of literary classics and slice of life type stuff. With me, the more surreal the better!

What genres won't you read?
Nothing I have a hard line against reading, but I don't really seem to click with science fiction, fantasy or traditional mystery stuff. I just get bored. But I'm not against reading any of those genres. I'm open to finding something I like, I just haven't yet.

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?

What books do you recommend most to others?
Written On The Body (it's just beautiful, I've re-read it more times than I can count), In Search of Lost Time (it's long, but if you can get through it it'll change the way you read and interact with art FOREVER), I Stand Here Ironing (Tillie Olsen is a master of the written word and not enough people know about it), literally anything by George Saunders (the man is a ding dang genius)

How often do you get to read?
Not nearly as often as I'd like.

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
No clue. Depends on what my work/home life is doing.

Anyone on GoodReads?
What is this?
I'm an avid reader! Love activating my imagination!

What are your favorite books?
I love John Updike's "Couples", "Marry Me", and "Too Far To Go".
Any and ALL Raymond Carver! One of the best short story writers IMO.
I loved Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins.

Who are your favorite authors?
Updike, Carver,Robbins,Ray Bradbury, JD Salinger,John Kennedy Toole, Nietzschie

What are your favorite genres?
I really like stuff about marriage, mostly failing marriages. I like it really real. Call me a realist. I also like any type of philosophy.

What genres won't you read?
Not much

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
Real. I also don't drink with a straw.

What books do you recommend most to others?
Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole
and the short story "A Small Good Thing" by Raymond Carver

How often do you get to read?

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
2-3 a month!

Anyone on GoodReads?
Yes I am!
I'm glad there are some readers on here! Books are my favorite thing in this world lol.

As for the questions:

What are your favorite books?
Ooh, that's a tough one! I love Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of the Universe or anything else by Benjamin Alire Sanz, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, Simon V.S. The Homo Sapien's Agenda by Becky Albertalli, and many more! (If you notice a theme that's for a reason lmao.)

Who are your favorite authors?
Benjamin Alire Sanz is definitely up there, so is Adam Silvera and Nina Lacour. As for the classics, I'm a sucker for Kurt Vonnegut and Edgar Allen Poe.

What are your favorite genres?
I love me some contemporary and YA, and anything with LGBT+ themes is my absolute favorite.

What genres won't you read?
None! Don't judge a book by its genre, kids.

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
I love collecting and annotating books, so physical books for me. (Though I'm not opposed to e-books.)

What books do you recommend most to others?
My favorites listed above, also The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee and We Are Okay by Nina Lacour.

How often do you get to read?
Not very often, sadly. :( I'm very busy these days.

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
It varies a lot from week to week, but I tend to average out 10 a month.

Anyone on GoodReads?
Yes! I rarely use it though. (And please no age regression mentions on my account!) Here's the link:
*to be read as the Whos from Whoville*
We are here! We are here! We are here!!

What are your favorite books?
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (and pretty much anything by her).... Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a classic favorite of mine.

Who are your favorite authors?
Rick Riordan, Juliet Mitchell, Mary Oliver (technically she's a poet but WHATEVER)

What are your favorite genres?
Young adult, fantasy, contemporary

What genres won't you read?
The limit doesn't exist

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
Reeeeeeal books bb

What books do you recommend most to others?
young adult literature mostly

How often do you get to read?
I am gifted the opportunity to be going into grad school in the fall, so while I get to read daily, it isn't often what I *want* to read... but still important things to read nonetheless!!

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
.... depends on the week, month, or year honestly.

Anyone on GoodReads?
way back in the day I was, but then keeping up with it became somewhat of a chore... it ended up falling through the cracks. Perhaps I will start one again in my spare time

I know this is years old but :shuff: books!!!!!
Who are your favorite authors?
Alexa Riley, Ruby Dixion, Lauran Dohner, Michelle Mills, Juno Wells, Shelly Laurenston, Kati Wilde, Jenka Snow, Dani Wyatt, Kallista Dane, Lena Little, Allysa Hart, Calistia Skye. Huna Hunter, Jennifer Ashley, Nalini Singh.... to name a few

What are your favorite genres?
Romance and fantasy

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?

How often do you get to read?
between one to several times a week

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
By Deleted User 62376
What are your favorite books?: I love series, the Harry Potter books, All of the Shadow Hunter series, The O'Malley Chronicles, Caraval books, The Grishaverse, The Raven Cycle, and so many more

Who are your favorite authors?: Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo, Ransom Riggs, Maggie Stiefvater, and I enjoy J.K. Rowling's writing however I'm not that pleased with her personal views

What are your favorite genres?: I like young adult fiction probably the most, I also enjoy fantasy and dystopian elements in my books. I like poetry, biographies/memoirs

What genres won't you read?: I don't like self help books, and I have to be in the mood for horror/terror but that's about it

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?: I do all of these, I almost always have an audiobook to play in my car, and I read more e-books than physical just because I'm able to get so many books through my library and kindle unlimited

What books do you recommend most to others?: I will always recommend Harry Potter, I also recommend City of Bones, Caraval, The Night Circus, The Raven Boys, The Kite Runner, Percy Jackson, A Man Called Ove, Turtles All the Way Down, Six of Crows, Every Heart a Doorway, The Last True Poets of the Sea, The Devil's Arithmetic, House of Salt and Sorrows

How often do you get to read?: I read every day, as long as my eyes aren't tired/hurting I will read

How many books do you read in a week, month or year?: That varies, last year I read 67 books not including fanfiction

Anyone on GoodReads?: yes mine is
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