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Littles here answer questions about being a Little.
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Just as the subject kind of suggests , I was interested in the different day to day experiences of being a little both the good and the bad. I'm curious about becoming one myself and I wanted to get firsthand feedback from an actual little, be them with a caregiver or solo.
To be honest with you, being a little can sometimes be very stressful.

Let me explain. I didn't just become little, I have always been little. This means that many of my coping mechanisms developed around the concept of regression. So for me, in order to relieve stress I have to feel little. And, being an adult, that is sometimes very hard.

I need to wear diapers, suck on pacifiers, and drink from bottles to relieve stress, and sometimes that is not always possible. I need competent caretakers and a rich family life to feel comfortable with myself. And the fact that I currently have two to three partners in a polyamorous relationship makes me weirder than weird to most of the human population.

So I'm weird and sometimes stressed out...but you know, I wouldn't ever stop being little because being little is who I am. I have been a part of the little community for at least eleven years now and all of the people I have met have made a lasting impression on me. The odd and cute parties I have gone to, the chats I've been in, and the things I've done have made me certain that littles are among some of the most fun and kindhearted people you will ever meet.

Being little to me isn't just about the stuff you do or the clothes you wear, it's about the people. The people that stop and explain things to you and the people you meet every day. I meet new littles every day and I always feel connected to them in some way or another. We're sometimes thick like family. And I don't get that from most places I go to.
For my little I try to keep it that she has "big space in a little world", as opposed to the inverse, because I notice the stress in her when she is not herself, little.

When she is big it is like she is partly shut down, she doesn't feel like her anymore, she does what she has to do, and gets back to being herself as fast as possible.

To be honest, sometimes it scares me because I know there's things that she will not grasp fully as herself. I have to take these things fully onto myself, because I am her caregiver. I am generalising here, but I trust many, if not most, would do the same.

The little should be free of so many things in their little space and if that space happens to be most of their life, then so be it. I am very happy that her sisters also understand and accept her for who she is. Sadly, as most of us know, the outside world is not so kind.

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