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Littles here answer questions about being a Little.
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How did you find out that you were a little? Luna has always know she was one, like a gut instinct. She used to drop into little space all the time without realising it. I was only about a year or two ago that she put a label on it and found this community.

Were people accepting of you? Luna only told two people and they were both accepting of it, but Luna doesn't really talk about it to them.

What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver? Luna has never had one... but she likes to colour and watch movies like Disney and Barbie.

How do you handle college and being a little? Luna is going to college in autumn if she passes her finals and she is a little worried if she was going to be honest.

What has been your best experience as a little? When Luna is little, it feels like she is being her true self so every moment is precious to her. Sometimes it feels like she is just playing Big and she loves it when she finishes the whole colouring page because she always gets distracted!
By Deleted User 44620
I found out i was little around the end of high school? I've always been more childish so people never really paid attention. I watch cartoons on Disney or Nickelodeon, listen to music or cuddle my bunny. It's hard and sometimes i don't want to work but i do it cause i need to. My best is all the stuffies i have accumulated over the last year.
How did you find out that you were a little?
I figured it out quite a few years ago, I mustve been.. 17/18 but I didnt actually get into a little/daddy relationship until about two years ago (despite knowing my daddy for almost 5 years)
I always found myself watching cartoons, and I have always been surrounded by stuffies. I have also liked alot of children clothing, and wore it up until I was about 17 :)

Were people accepting of you?
Honestly, I dont know. I havent told my family, and I have very limited friends who understand the little/daddy relationship. Ive always been very childish so when I told my daddy, he wasnt surprised as all the way through college he had an inkling (Probably figured it out as weve known each other for many years .-.)

What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver?
I usually cuddle up with my stuffies, colour and use lots and lots of glitter! I also like taking bubble baths with my rubber duckies :)

How do you handle college and being a little?
I dont go to college, but I did and found it best to be in little space after college- big girl at college

What has been your best experience as a little?
My best experience as a little has to be telling my daddy that I was a little, he wasnt surprised and was very accepting of me, I never had that before and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
how did I know I was a little ? well from the start I have never hid my little side I guess it would be easier for me since I am an older littleagain it is something i have never hidden all my family and friends know i have littles and most dont even seem to be bothered by it at all however there are always a few who are uncomfortable with it
so i guess i have always known and just embrased it from the start
I wasn't happy dating and I went through a period when I thought I was gay. Then I realized I didn't like guys (which made me even more confused lol.) I then realized I wanted a dominant girl and after a lot of research I discovered CGL and found out that I'm a Little Boy and that I want a mommy.
About 3 years a go me and my friends all BeDeeSeM test and I just end up being a lot more submissive then vanilla specialty being a little. I kind of liked that since I was already kind of the child in the group, but that came with it's negative and positive. One of the positive being all of the cuddles is got. Now about this community this is like the first actions that I have done to be a little.
About 3 years a go me and my friends all BeDeeSeM test and I just end up being a lot more submissive then vanilla specialty being a little. I kind of liked that since I was already kind of the child in the group, but that came with it's negative and positive. One of the positive being all of the cuddles is got. Now about this community this is like the first actions that I have done to be a little.
How did you find out that you were a little?
I was browsing Tumblr and some of the kawaii posts I followed had ddlg and/or cgl as tags or something, and since I didn't know what those things were, I researched them. Once I read the descriptions of being little I realized that's what I was. All the things I did that I thought were out of sync for my chronological age, etc. suddenly made a lot more sense.

Were people accepting of you?
I've been very selective about who IRL knows about my little side. Husband was and is very accepting, others have been curious about it but accepting as well. But I don't broadcast it in my day to day life... To a lot of people I'm just quirky or eccentric.

What activities do you do to get yourself into little space without a caregiver?
If my CG isn't available and I need to little out, cartoons or coloring are good avenues. Or I'll put on a onesie or put my hair in piggie buns or something and that helps me feel little.

How do you handle college and being a little?
I'm way past college, but for work I try to stay focused as much as possible on what I need to be doing. But I have little items on my desk (small stuffies, a hello Kitty speaker, etc.) and wear work-appropriate onesies sometimes, or bows in my hair or other "little" accessories so o still feel a but little, even when having yo adult.

What has been your best experience as a little?
Hmm.... Meeting Daddy in person for the first time would have to be it, and then spending time with him.
By sleepystrawberrygirl
I think I was always little but I didn't realize it was obvious until years later. My ex girlfriend and I were talking at one point and she said, "Oh, yeah, you were always a little. A bratty one, too." She reminded me that I would literally burst into tears if she even so much as sounded like she was going to get off the phone with me when we we're in middle school. We used to talk on the phone every night and it got to a point where I couldn't sleep without her voice soothing me to sleep. She would use this voice with me that literally just melts me. I always know a caregiver by this voice bc they automatically do it. I would refuse to sleep, throw mini tantrums, cry, anything to make her stay up with me until I fell asleep. When she slept over, I would spend the whole day eagerly awaiting when it would be time to go to bed, and then I'd snuggle close to her and fall asleep listening to her heartbeat. I'd hold on to the Hem of her shirt and babble in my sleep. Whimper if she moved. I loved her stroking my hair and patting my butt.

Then when I got older, I think it occurred to me that it was a little different bc I started sucking my thumb to self soothe. I even got a paci and started sleeping with it because it relaxed me to sleep. I started looking into this and I think that's how I found out about little space. But I'm actually not totally sure.

Either way, I like being little 😊😊😊
So I actually found out a few weeks ago that I was little. Ironically, it was from a video about Teddycon that was on my Youtube suggestions list. I just remember clicking on it out of curiosity then silently freaking out that there was a con for adults that like playing with kids toys!!!! Because I do that already! Everything suddenly made more sense, like my need for hugs and cuddling, my love of stuffed animals, and overall personality.

I haven't told anyone in my life that I'm little, but I'm pretty sure my friends would be ok with it. I'm already the "innocent child" friend in my friend group, so this would probably just be an explanation. I might tell them, or I might not.

I don't have a caregiver, and I don't think I'd want to call anyone mommy or daddy. A platonic sibling role,maybe. But since it's just me on my own right now, I like putting on fun music, coloring, or doing puzzles! I don't think I'm ever not in littlespace, but neither have I completely crossed over. It's like being on a see-saw, teetering one way, then back to the other.

I'm currently in college for elementary education, so I can sometimes pass my behaviors off as studying. Most of the time, though, I don't think anyone cares or has the energy enough to think something's off. I've seen college students walking around wrapped in blankets & carrying stuffed animals, and the most attention they get is someone commenting on the cuteness or softness of the thing.

What has been your best experience as a little?
I don't know if this counts, but I have a friend I went to high school with who I occasionally see when fundraising for school. I'll be doing my thing, then all of a sudden, I'll feel somebody wrap their arms around me from behind & partially lift me off the ground. I have this thing that when people do that, I automatically relax so they can move me around. I'm small, so it's pretty easy. Anyways, I thought it was just a quirk until I figured out that I was little.
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