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Okay, so i've been with my daddy for about 6 months now and we're long distance. I've really only just started to notice how he is literally the opposite of strict. That's not a big issue however, i've found myself needing some structure or else I kind of feel like I'm on my own and he's just there. Now this really got to me today. We recently established a new rule ( That I proposed) and I now have to ask for anything sweet that I want. I had asked but he was busy last night and he didn't reply so this morning I blew up his phone telling him how I was eating all of the sugar for breakfast. I had expected him to be upset but literally it blew over.
I'm so upset over it. I know he isn't not punishing me because he doesn't care, I think it's just because it's how he is but I feel like I need punishments and stuff.
Now everyone's gunna say "Talk to him about it" and yes that is the logical, SMART, thing to do. But I don't know how to. I have very lovely combination of things stopping me from doing so, they include, anxiety, being highly sensitive, being an empath and finally a literal fear of confrontation. What's an easy way that I can bring this up without like hurting him ( I know that I probably wouldn't since i'm trying to do what I need but again I can't help but think I would) but getting my point across and maybe helping him to understand why I need this and what exactly I want and need from him.
I know I shouldn't feel this way because communication is so so s important so it shouldn't matter but as much as I know that theres a bajillion other thoughts in my head telling me to just deal with it.
I'd appreciate any advice or tips soooo much!
By crybabyprincess
I know how you feel, I had to have a discussion with my daddy about having a more disciplinary hand. In the end it all worked out

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Convey to him that he's a good daddy but that you need rules and structure and you want him to provide those things. If approach discipline as something you need in order to be happy and healthy then hopefully your daddy's caregiver instincts will kick in and he'll give you what you need.
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