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Is it bad for a baby boy to enjoy breast feeding, I have seen other take part in this activity, but jt looks enjoyable and soothing but I'm not sure if it's okay or not I would love to know if it's okay, I don't want to sound like km weird.........

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Well, even though I am a baby girl, I dont see any reason to why it would be "bad", but it really is a preference between the caretaker and the child. If you have milk alergies or sensitivities to milk or iron, I would recommend to take caution. Your not ever going to sound weird asking questions on here, as we accept questions with open arms.

So if you have anything like IBS, I would be careful, but its not "Bad" at all. If your mommy says that it is okay, and your curious, then expect a tiny bit of indigestion (As being older, we arnt made to take in that kind of nutrition anymore* and of course with any good thing, only do a little bit to make it special. Goes without saying as well that public breastfeeding obviously will not fly with public. Common sense.

Have fun! <3
Hi there!
I agree with the factual parts where BabyLilac talks about allergies and how it may affect the body. It is completely safe so long as you limit yourself because if you have too much then you could get sick.
From an emotional point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this and it isn't weird nor does it make you sound or be considered weird. This is a part of a babies lifestyle and it is expected just like when babies use there diapers and if you play the role of a baby or young boy, even just doing this as your normal age is perfectly fine so long as both parties are okay with this.
There is a lot of false information going on here so let's try to clear that up since I produce milk and it's been important to me to breastfeed my partners. ANR (Adult Nursing Relationship) has been knowingly around for awhile so this is not unheard of in the medical community.

So, it's literally less than 1% (estimated a <0.5%) that an infant, generally the more sensitive and vulnerable of our species, is allergic to human breastmilk and even less likely for an adult, generally with a fully developed immune system and other dietary intake, to be allergic to human breastmilk. This is almost common sense.

Ask yourself this: How else did we keep newborns alive before formula was created? Did infants just pull in a mouthful of their mother's milk and immediately go through a severe allergic reaction and die? If it was ongoing allergy then how was that allergy relieved enough that they continued to survive? Why would our species as a whole develop such a serious sensitivity to our own provided nourishment of life? There would be no benefit in developing such a sensitivity since it would be detrimental to our entire species, right?

If the idea is actually "lactose intolerance" then it's more likely you experience gastrointestinal issues after consuming dairy because of a cows' milk protein allergy. A lot of people confuse these two, but you should know that the cows' milk protein allergy is much more common, and much more likely, than actual lactose intolerance. Both share the same symptoms and both apply to consumption of products made from dairy cows so it can be difficult to know if you're actually lactose intolerant versus allergic to the proteins without a hydrogen breath test (most accurate) or bloodwork. (Both of those tests take a minimum of 2 hours to administer so you would be well-aware if you've been actually tested.)

I'm not sure what aforementioned sensitivities to iron would indicate. Humans absolutely require iron in their diets or it means death. It's in relation for red cell production. There is about 0.1mg of iron in 1 cup of breastmilk, and I would say that's hardly enough to be concerned about. The recommended daily intake for an adult man should be 8mg of iron per day and women should have 18mg (until after menopause, in which case it lowers and matches the recommended intake for men).

The main cautionary points in developing an ANR would more likely be:

1. Be cautious if your caregiver has a disease or infection that is transmitted through breastmilk. This would be relatively uncommon as well, but HIV can be found in breastmilk and I'm not quite sure about hepatitis or other pretty serious illnesses. It's important to know your caregiver's health and illness history and ask doctors if there is something to be concerned about regarding their infections or diseases.

2. If your caregiver consumes large amounts of something you are severely allergic to then it's possible that the proteins from that food will transfer through to breastmilk. The allergic reaction would not be as serious as it would be if you were consuming the food directly though. So, you could expect reduced symptoms/severity. You should have your caregiver match your dietary needs and you would be safe from that concern.

3. If your caregiver is taking medication then you would want to know if it is transferred through breastmilk. Majority of common medications now have been tested and are known if they are found in breastmilk so it could be as simple as a Google search or calling up your doctor's office to ask.
Many of the ones that are transferred and found in breastmilk do have alternatives available though so it isn't as much concern as one may initially think. There may be an adjustment your caregiver will need to make but it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, in my personal opinion.

4. If anything, it would cause more harm to the caregiver in the case they were unknowingly/knowingly malnourished. They should eat well, take daily vitamins (continuation of prenatals would likely be preferred), and mindfully adjust these things as necessary. They should drink a meal supplement/replacement in addition to their regular meals if they find they need more calories. They can easily know if they need more if their milk isn't coming as well as it really should, if they've become excessively tired, or they're dropping weight quickly while lactation has been the only change in their diet, health, and routine.

5. Do not mistakenly believe that you can live off of only consuming another human's breastmilk long-term. You do still need to consume calories and nutrients elsewhere, but, depending on how much breastmilk you consume, perhaps not as much. It would be wise to not try to rely on it as a sole source of nutrients, is what I'm trying to say. At some point your body will need more, and their body will start to become too taxed from keeping another adult alive.

Indigestion shouldn't be a concern at all, actually. Breastmilk is certainly pH balanced if the caregiver has taken care of her health, and it's generally one of the easiest, if not the easiest, things for our bodies to process. It's even recommended by doctors to change to breastfeeding of infants who have been medically diagnosed with acid reflux and gastrointestinal issues. Again, if you're experiencing issues with the breastmilk then seriously evaluate your caregiver's diet and cut out things you are particularly sensitive to when you eat them yourself.

As for not being able to breastfeed in public, it probably would not be socially acceptable in most cultures; however, there are affordable breastpumps that can be bought from even Amazon for around $100. It would allow your caregiver to pump their milk out and store it in bottles for later use when you're out and would want some. Alternatively, you could hide away in your personal vehicle with window shades in the back seat for feedings or hang out in the private family restroom for a quick nursing session. This would be, of course, if you lean towards being more "dependent" on it.
Im a baby girl but like others have replied theres nothing wrong with wanting an ANR with your caregiver. Before i sadly parted ways with my last Daddy (we are still very good friends he moved away for work) we had a mutual friend who would actually pump and store milk for me to have although it is slightly different my bond with the friend who did this for me is very strong. Its a very loving and nurturing thing for someone to do for another person so i would sit and think long and hard about weather this is something you want before trying good luck :)
I dont tink why dis wpuld be bad. Even though i a girl. I dont see whea its wong as long the two, mommy and boy hab a understanding an conection between each other. Of course dey would hab of dey aw mommy and little. Anyways my response to this would be a no
By clingylover
I have been very interested in an ANR for a while now. and found that it can be very therapeutic, and healthy for everyone. It can be very calming and relaxing and create a very deep and intense bond with each other. So I would love to find a mommy who wants a real ANR with someone.
I can't think of too many health problems from adult breast feeding. I think this is one of the best ways to show your little how much you care about them. It's a very intimate act that should strengthen your relationship. Agreed about the public feeding might not be a great idea, but I could care less about it.
Hey I'm a switch and I like being both a little girl and mommy very much. I think that if my boyfriend suggested he might want to do this it would make me so happy. I love it because it's a very intimate and submissive act for him to do but also feels amazing. I wouldn't worry about being weird if I were you. Hope this helps!
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