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Let's say you have to start thinking about going to college or changing career paths. What career options do you think a little would like the most? Do you think there are certain classes littles should take to really have an enjoyable college experience?
Maybe something in the art department like a painter. Or something that will give you a hands-on job such as building.
Well personally, I go slip into little space at random times. And the range is kind of unpredictable. One minute I’m four and able to talk, other times I’m more of a two year old, babbling, giggling, and just making noises mostly. Which makes communication hard.

I have chosen the career of an artist. I work from home, that way if I do go into little space, it doesn’t impair my communication with others.
I think that any job that requires some amount of imagination and wonder would be a good option for littles. By this, I mean Artists, Actors, Musicians, and careers of a similar nature. Those jobs allow for one's imagination to run free, which I think plays into one's littlespace. Also tying into this would be things like philosophy.

Jobs in the engineering career fields would be a good choice as well. In many ways, that type of job is certainty a natural progression of building with legos or blocks, just the more advanced versions, and allows one to build buildings, planes, ships, and more.

Careers in other realms would work too. Chemists always run a risk of causing an explosion, at least to my mind. Physicists get to play advanced versions of catch, and purposely cause crashes just to see what happens. Meteorologists, like me, always know where to go to play in the snow, and keep their heads in the clouds, quite literally.

Last, ever since I found this site and learned more ive thought that a career in the medical fields or education would be a good choice for a little. There is a certain empathy that teachers and doctors need to have, and which little often have in spades, that would greatly aid in success in that career.

In conclusion to the essay on the subject that I somehow wrote, any career field that plays into what makes up your littlespace would be a great option for any little. Really, it comes down to what you enjoy, and playing into what you consider to be your strengths.
I think every little has their own unique interests, just like any community of people. I think the best career path is one that may not be the most pragmatic, but something that we feel really passionate about, something that brings the warm fuzzies and makes us go YES WOW COOL deep inside. :splode: :craze: :heart: And that something's different for everyone.
I think it would definitely depend on the little and what they like to do. Not all littles like the same things😊 but I'm a little and I work with people who have developmental disabilities, and I love my work because I get to do all kinds of Little things! We color and watch Disney movies and sing and dance. It's fun💜
I think that it's very different for everyone and sometimes a little can find fun in unexpected places!

I'm trained as a graphic designer but because the field is so competitive everyone who wants a graphic designer usually goes for someone with way more experience. I worked in retail jobs for a long time and that was bad, bad, bad for me. Maybe some littles could find a way to have more fun with it but not my shy, quiet self. There were some aspects of it I could have fun with, like sometimes I got to talk to kids! And I connect with kids very well as a little.

Now I'm doing custodial work. Maybe you are thinking "oh, cleaning sounds yucky" but for me it's fun! I have to be responsible and clean lots of stuff but I'm all by myself late at night while I'm cleaning. I can listen to any kind of music I want, I can skip down the halls or dance, I can play finding games sometimes too and find treasures. Like sometimes people at my job are throwing away cool things and it's ok for me to take it for myself instead! I also like to bring my toys along on some days and I have my lunch break and I talk with my toys. Sometimes people come by but I'm all alone during most of my shift so I can have fun while I work without worrying about being embarrassed. Also the place I'm at pays pretty well and gives me lots of paid holidays too! I'm surprised by how nice this job is!

Sometimes you can find a job that is better then you expected. Even if it's not your planned dream job (mine was art-related and so far it hasn't worked) sometimes you can be happy in a different place!

I also think there's a lot of ways a person can be little at work too, to give them a happy boost. Even when I was working in retail and having a bad time bringing myself some candies to eat while I was working helped a lot. You could put some good stickers on your stuff like maybe a lunch box and give yourself boosts during a tough work day. You can try to be imaginative for a few minutes and find ways to play subtle games no one notices. I think really a little can find a way to be little or to have fun in many different kinds of jobs. Just be creative!

When it comes to college specifically I just think you got to think about the things you like and try to learn stuff that is cool to you. I liked art so I went for art. If you like science then go for science! College is so cool, because in my experience the classes there are so much better then in other school classes. In college you get to learn the stuff YOU think is interesting! Every little is a different individual. Some littles love math and think math is very fun! Some littles like to be big thinker philosophers! Some kids think history is real, real neat!

Always have good luck with whatever you do and just try to have fun!

I think Littles can be and do anything they want. I’m a nurse and I love taking care of people when I’m in my big/adult space. As soon as I step out of the role as a nurse and I get in my car I can slip into little space easily. I’ll sing songs really loud in my baby/little space voice and dance while driving. I’ll get home and text my bf/daddy and be in little space when I tell him all about my day at work and how I miss him and I wish we could have cuddles and hugs and kisses.

I love being a nurse and taking care of people but it is a really stressful job always putting others first. I have always done that my entire life with friends, family and even strangers. And I think going into little space helped me cope with stress and anxiety. Being in little space allows me to be selfish, put myself first, be a brat and cry when I get stressed. Being in little space also makes me happy, because it’s where I find the joy in little things and keep myself positive in such a negative world.

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