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We did a scene a few weeks ago and I had a bad drop. He also didn't check on me. I explained I wanted to have a discussion about it. Well, it never happened. I get physically ill when something is on my mind and it's unresolved. It's also causing me really bad mental issues. I have brought up over text and in person that I need to have a discussion about my needs and every time he either ignores it or says "Okie little one." I know that life gets in the way but I feel like my issues aren't being made a priority.
By Deleted User 70612
It takes two people to be in a healthy relationship so communication is key. If your Daddy is not able or even willing to put your needs up their with his is it truly even a relationship? If you can't get him to understand or talk about your needs too you may need to just come straight out and say my needs are not being met. Also if he still doesn't answer and talk you may have to decide if this is a good healthy relationship for you to be in.
I'm afraid if he doesn't take you seriously, he isn't worth pinning down over. I know this is really hard, I've been there so many times. But trust me, when you find someone that does care and does listen to you, the relief will overcome the bitter end.
If he's not responding to requests to talk, then just talk. Text him everything you told us, that your needs are not being met and you feel ignored.

If he hears all this and still doesn't respond, it might be time to reconsider how much of this crap you really want to put up with. Some people aren't worth it.
Hi dear. We males are strange creatures with many facets. The surface reactions you described that you got from your daddy may be just that, surface reactions. Maybe he is unwilling to reach his caring side, but then maybe he is. We all have one, it just triggers differently.
In fact, his brushing off your requests as he did may even have been part of it.
He may have been running the male program number one: "Don't worry guys, I have it under control. Everything's fine!"
The other common male program is "Oh there IS a problem? Let me handle this. I can fix this." The trigger to this problem-handling program (a program which is still a very male, object-oriented attitude, mind you) is gonna be anything that disturbs the (appearance of) peace. "Problem? Off I go!"
What you're asking for though is the caring daddy program. This one, males usually only develop it later in life. And there I can't advise you. Because you are, or may be, his trigger to learning or developing -- or even just revealing -- this program of his. And only you have the means to do so, and will know how.
My general advice is, don't lose faith over just one facet of his behavior. He likely has other ones. Try getting a check of the whole constellation before taking any drastic measures. Cheers.
Aftercare is very important after a scene, and drop is very serious. I agree with Moon, Soft and Elvie, you have been mentioning multiple times that you want to discuss this and your Daddy does not seem to take much initiative in prioritizing that, which is unfair to you. I would just lay out what your needs are, and if those are not adhered to or acknowledged, I would reevaluate whether you want to exhaust yourself and expend your energy to have your needs be respected.
I say all of that with nothing but care, concern and respect for you of course. It isn't bad that you want to be heard and to want him to listen, and it isn't bad to try, just know your limits and be good to yourself :stuffie:
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