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Looking for your Little? Wanting your own little? middle? girl? boy? baby? younger sister or brother? Maybe even a caregiver to match you? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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DateCGL Username:
Legal Age:
Gender Identity:
physically intimate Orientation:
Germany, NRW
Current Marital or Relationship Status:

What type of partner are you looking for here?
Female partner who identifies as a Little

Are you open to long distance relationships or only local matches?
Preferably local and from Germany (NRW), but I know it's not easy to find someone very close. I wouldn't mind driving quite a bit just to see you.

Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
Only monogamous

Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
Loyal, cute, funny and clingy Little who needs me as her only caring Mommy.

What are some things that have led you to identifying as a Caregiver?
Past relationship, then reading about it and then realizing that's exactly what type of person I am.

Are you into physically intimate or nonsexual Caregiver/little regression?
Both. I need the physically intimate parts in a relationship but I'm completely fine if you are not feeling physically intimate at times or while being in your littlespace and will respect that no matter what.

How long have you identified as a Caregiver?
Around one year

Are you a Caregiver that likes to or expects to punish your Little?
Yes. Of course it depends on the reason, the way my Little reacts to certain punishments and on what we have agreed on.

What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing to your Little?
I like to praise, giving random small gifts and taking you out to your favorite places.

What do you think you have to offer to a partner?
I want to make you feel secure and give you guidance thorough the day. I will always show you that I care and will always reassure you that everything is fine while being honest. I give you my attention as much as I can and for example, if I'm not able to message you for some time or when I'm busy I will tell you beforehand and will never leave you alone questioning where I am or what I'm doing.
I take your hand so you don't get lost in the big world and will drive you to places if you feel more secure this way.
I will cheer you up when you are excited about little things and comfort you and being there for you when you are not feeling good.
You can be fully yourself around or being with me, as much as you are comfortable with. I don't care much what other people might think, of course if it doesn't put our / mostly your security at risk.

Describe one of your favorite nonsexual fantasies or scenarios:
Pulling you between my legs while sitting on the bed and brushing your hair before bed time. Giving you your favorite stuffie, cuddling while you tell me all the little exciting things you did today and watching you fall asleep in my arms.

What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
-Astronomy, mostly astrophotography
-Going out on little adventures if I have my Little
-Did I say cuddling?

What are 3 movies or TV shows you enjoy?
Mostly SciFi or action related, comedy if it's good
Favorites: Interstellar, Oblivion and The Expanse

What are 3 of your favorite foods?
Pizza and Burger. Can't think of a third right now.

What are 3 of your favorite songs, bands, or musical artists?
I usually listen to old Trance songs or some Pop here and there. Naming favorites is hard, there are just too many.

What is something you have recently learned?
I think we always learn something new everyday. But the first things that would come to my mind are related to my hobby astrophotography because of its complexity.

What is your current biggest life achievement?
I'm not the type of person who likes to talk about this stuff. Though I'm happy to know who I really am and what I really need in life.

During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
I'm usually calm and want to talk it out. I will never ignore you on purpose in any way. Every feeling or anxiety is valid and needs to be talked about. Being in a relationship means that problems are our problems and we need to fix them together.

What do you think of being partnered to a Little who requires a large portion of your attention?
I like it. I like it if you are clingy and need me and I'm willing to give you the attention you deserve.

What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
Of course I need my free time but I don't mind if you are watching me when I'm gaming or doing my astro stuff for example.
Heya Spica! I saw your ad and I'm very interested. I know you said you prefer those who are in Germany, but I'm in the United States. Arizona, to be specific. I do hope to live abroad once I'm done with college, so I'm open to long distance/video chatting. Please let me know if you'd like to talk more in detail :heart:

DateCGL Username: Sonataaa (waiting for approval)
Legal Age: 18 (19 in about 2 weeks)
Height: 168cm
Gender Identity: Female
Hey, I read your ad and am interested, if you are still looking for a little. My name is Caitlynn and I'm 28 years old. I like your fantasy and enjoy lots of cuddling too. I am from Germany(RLP), but I'm not biological female, I am Trans male to female. If that is not what you are looking for that's fine. I'd love to hear from you and talk a little more.

By Deleted User 67941
Hi <3

My name is Natalia but people call me Lia and I am 23. I know you said you would prefer people from Germany but unfortunately, I am from Poland. I am bisexual and I know that since I am like 12, I found out because I had the biggest crush on Scarlett Johansson, well I still kind of do but it doesn't matter. I am super loyal and faithful to my friends ( can't say about relationships because I have never been in one). I am an extremely clingy person and I need a lot of attention but I also give back the amount of what I got back. I love sci-fi and action movies but I also love to read and I read basically everything but thrillers and horrors. As I learned my love language is touch so I would totally love all the cuddles and holding hands because it calms me down.
I hope you will reply <3 Love Lia
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