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:stuffie: Hi there, this is my very first post so forgive me if it's not set up nice. My daddy set up a play date for me and our friends and it's in 2 days. I am very excited about it and we've been planning it since right after Thanksgiving. Well, I have extreme depression at times and it makes littlespace just a little harder to get into. I want to have a great time and I'm trying to keep my excitement going by making a list of stuff to bring like my pacies, stuffies, etc. But I'm worried I'll be depressed. Ive been very depressed the past couple of days and you see, our friends are really good at seeing if I'm depressed or not and I don't want to ruin the day. I know they won't feel like that but I would. Does anyone have tips on setting the sad stuff to the side so I can just have a nice time? :-?:
By Deleted User 73026
I am not certain if this is so much an immediate resolution as it is a therapeutic viewpoint on things. But from my own experiences, I have a very strong sense of love, and aspiration to experience it. Always describe it as being a one winged angel, seeking another to embrace, and together take flight above the miserable lonely ground below. When things don't work out one or both people fall to the ground, experiencing pain that could have been avoided had they not taken flight in the first place. But the beautiful memories of being airborne being what drives us to take flight with another again. A beautiful notion to be sure.

But I got sidetracked, my apologies. All of that is to say, when we experience something negative or positive, the equal and opposite of it is proven to be true as well, so even when we are saddened or depressed because of something we can look at that and say to ourselves, because I am so sad, I know that the equal opposite is true, I can be this happy as well. I just need to look for it and find it. And if you get depressed during your playdate, maybe thinking of it in that light and seeing in front of you the fun to be had it can help spur you into finding that happiness and enjoying and appreciating that playdate all the more?

I take the same approach to love and loneliness, I have a special someone that I hope to spend my life with. And things are complicated currently, but I look to the distance between us, the pain I feel at night sleeping alone, and know that even as I tear up right now mentioning it, that there is equal joy and boundless happiness that can exist assuming we find our way to one another.
Thank you, it is a therapeutic way of looking at it. I will definitely try that today!! I am sorry to hear about your complicated experience with love right now but you have a wonderful way of looking at it. It is truly inspiring. I did end up just talking with them and as it turns out, they have felt the exact same way this whole time. So it does feel better knowing I'm not alone but I am curious to see how changing my viewpoint will help :hugs: if I had an icecream I would give it to you :share: thanks for helping!!!!

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