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Looking for your Little? Wanting your own little? middle? girl? boy? baby? younger sister or brother? Maybe even a caregiver to match you? Let them know you're looking for them.
(Age 18+ seeking 18+ only!)
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By longdistancedaddy
• Name: Alex
• Age: 26
• Height: 6'2"
• Weight: 150lbs
• Location: Nottingham, UK
• Occupation: Teacher in training
• Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single
• physically intimate orientation: Straight

• What type of partner are you looking for here?
I am looking for a little to care for and cherish. Someone who needs a Daddy to help guide her grown up life and be treated like a princess when we’re together. I would love a little who wants to be in a serious relationship and could one day envision a life with her Daddy. I would be happy with a truly submissive little, who would need help running her life and her daily routines but I wouldn’t want this to put off a little who is nervous about giving up too much control. Age doesn't matter to me!
• Are you open to long distance relationships or only local?
I have only previously had a long distance relationship with a little. I enjoyed it and made it my life but she could not commit to waiting so long to be with each other. I would love a little who I could see regularly so I could cuddle her, spoil her, and keep her safe.
• Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
Someone who is fun and enjoys playing but also who is loving, caring, and committed to a relationship. A little who is proud to be herself and have a Daddy who she can share herself with and always be honest with. I love cartoons, films, and playing games, reading, listening to music, and adventuring! I am an active Daddy but do like to relax with my little girl and cuddle. I love to learn and would devote myself to learning what makes my little happy and feel special. One of the most important things to me is that my little girl tries her hardest to make her Daddy proud.
• Are you into physically intimate or nonsexual Caregiver/little play?
I would like a little who wants a physically intimate lifestyle, a real partner. I understand that that may take time and I wouldn’t want to scare away a little who is anxious of physically intimate play.
• Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
Monogamous for sure! I want a little who would like to be the centre of my universe and to feel the same way about me. I want to be the only Daddy for my little girl, as she would be my pride and joy. Someone who would trust me with all her secrets and who I could trust with my life.
• How long have you been into the BeDeeSeM scene?
A year, although, it has been something I have looked for but have never found someone who matched my interests. I am open-minded. I am a Dom in the bedroom and love to make my little feel satisfied.
• How long have you been into the Caregiver/little dynamic?
Also a year. My previous LDR started out slowly, starting as friends and growing into a DDlg dynamic. I realised that my past relationships lacked that special dynamic of trust and care that a Daddy and his little have and finding myself to be someone’s Daddy, that I could care for and guide my little, was my greatest moment of self discovery.
• What are you looking for in a little?
I am comfortable with a variety of personalities, those who are cuddly and excitable and those who are shy and passionate. At the centre of it all, I want a little who has a loyal and caring personality. A little who feels like having a Daddy would complete her and who she would like to spend lots of time with. My little would be my best friend but she would also respect her Daddy as someone who wants to look after her, love her and care for her. A little who would love and care for Daddy and make him feel special, too.
• What do you think you have to offer to a little?
The care and attention of a fully devoted Daddy who is on call at all hours of the day, every day. A Daddy who would feel no greater happiness knowing that he is making a difference in his little’s life. A Daddy who will drop everything for his little when she needs help and would be there for her through the good times and the bad. A Daddy who never breaks his promises and would never abandon his little. A fun, playful Daddy who enjoys playing with stuffies, playing games, watching cartoons, and reading to his little. If my little was more submissive I would take great care to nurture her and provide her with structure and rules. I would be happy to help organise her time, her meals, her activities, her clothes and be in charge of her life, if she so chose it.
• How do/would you provide aftercare?
To be able to comfort my little and hold her in my arms. For her to rest on me, or sit in my lap and feel safe as I stroke her hair and skin and tell her how special she is to me.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are some kinks you enjoy?
I enjoy being a Dom in the bedroom and can be a rough Daddy but also can also be gentle. I enjoy my little wanting to please her Daddy in whatever way she can but get the most enjoyment out of making my little girl feel good and satisfied. I have had partners who enjoy pain and those who enjoy softness, those who like spanking, toys, and dressing up for Daddy, and those who enjoy the thrill of being close. I enjoy it when a little wants to be dominated but also those who want sensuality, massages, rubs, kisses.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are some kinks you do not enjoy?
I love to learn, to try whatever makes my little girl happy. There are things I learn about myself every day and never rule out the chance to broaden my horizons.
• What are your hard limits when it comes to play?
None, that I know of!
• What are some common punishments you use to discipline, correct, guide, or seduce?
Daddy’s punishments are fair and fit the situation. I would never ignore my little or use lack of communication as a punishment. A naughty little might get spankings or have her toys taken away, but a very bad little will have lectures, lines to write, denied special burst, time outs or a loss of privileges! Depending on how strongly you follow the little, or submissive, lifestyle the punishments could vary or be very strict.
• What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing?
I am a Daddy at heart and I love to spoil my little whether it be by kind words, praise and together time, or treats and presents for good behaviour! If my little girl wants Daddy’s attention she has it and he will do all the little things she loves to do. I love buying my little cute outfits to wear and toys or games to play with. I give sweets and treats for doing good things and keep star charts for those extra special rewards. I would love to take my little on adventures out into the world and give her physically intimate pleasure.
• Describe one of your favorite physically intimate or nonsexual fantasies:
In terms of physically intimate fantasies, I like to play rough, to dominate my little and her submit to me, to tie her up and use toys. I do enjoy causing my little pain but I understand not every little finds pleasure in that. At my core, I get pleasure from hearing my little moan and writhe in ecstasy.
• What are some general (naughty or nice) nicknames you like to call your little?
My little, little girl, little one, good girl, sweetie, darling, princess, cutie, baby girl (I understand not all littles like this though). I suppose it depends on what feels right for my little! Maybe she is those things or maybe she is my dirty/naughty little girl ;)
• If into physically intimate scenes, if a safe word is used during a scene then how do you proceed?
Everything stops and I find out if my little girl needs to be held and cared for or to feel free and be talked to. When my little girl is calm we will either be able to continue the scene or I will give her proper after care and make sure she feels safe.
• What is one thing that all (Daddy, Mommy, or Caregiver) Doms should know?
That a Daddy needs his little as much as she needs him. He is the centre of her universe and she is the centre of his. They need each other and that the trust they share is greater than any other relationship because a Daddy is trusted to be in charge and take care of his little girl and treat her like a princess, like her life is his own.
• What do you think makes a Caregiver Dom different than a regular or general Dominant?
It’s in the title, a general Dominant usually puts his needs and desires ahead of his submissive to get what he wants. A Caregiver nurtures and helps his little and knows what he wants to teach doesn’t have to be rushed. He builds her up and makes her feel special and wanted and tries his best to make sure her needs are satisfied and that she is the best little she can be for him.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are 5 physically intimate things you enjoy?
Things I enjoy include: rough play, spanking, dirty talk, sensory play, and role-play!
• What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
Things I enjoy include: playing games, watching TV or films, listening to and making music, exercise, and trying new experiences!
• What are 5 movies you enjoy?
Shaun of the Dead, Jumanji, The Princess Bride, Aladdin, and Ghost in the Shell
• What are your 3 of your favorite foods?
Pizza, nachos, and stir fry
• What do you think of a little who requires a large portion of your attention during your free time?
Having a little girl that makes me feel wanted and special is what I dream of as a Daddy because, if I could, I would want to spend all my time with my little girl, too. There will be times when Daddy has work and can’t message or talk much but every second of every day I would be looking forward to spending time with my little girl.
• During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
I am a very calm Daddy; I like to work things out with words and patience. I would try to calm the situation and ask, “what has happened? How can I help make it better?”
• What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
I am a passionate Daddy. I am extremely devoted and make my little girl’s wants and needs my utmost priority. The thought of letting down my little girl makes me sad inside. Finding my perfect princess, a little girl who is as devoted to me as I am to her, would complete me. I love doing artistic things. I paint, make music, play the guitar, and write. I love to cook meals and make desserts! I love gaming and settling down to watch things with my partner and having nice cosy evenings together. I am about to start a year of teacher training at a school nearby to my flat and will teach there once I have completed my training. I love meeting new people and welcome any messages, even if it’s just to say “hey, how’re you doing?” :)
By longdistancedaddy
Koreisicy wrote:Hi! You sound great, please feel free to DM or Kik me if you're interested and still looking for someone ::3:
Hi Kore, I don't know if you can receive PMs so just thought I'd message here to arrange a better way to talk :)
longdistancedaddy wrote:• Name: Alex
• Age: 26
• Height: 6'2"
• Weight: 150lbs
• Location: Nottingham, UK
• Occupation: Teacher in training
• Current Marital or Relationship Status: Single
• physically intimate orientation: Straight

• What type of partner are you looking for here?
I am looking for a little to care for and cherish. Someone who needs a Daddy to help guide her grown up life and be treated like a princess when we’re together. I would love a little who wants to be in a serious relationship and could one day envision a life with her Daddy. I would be happy with a truly submissive little, who would need help running her life and her daily routines but I wouldn’t want this to put off a little who is nervous about giving up too much control. Age doesn't matter to me!
• Are you open to long distance relationships or only local?
I have only previously had a long distance relationship with a little. I enjoyed it and made it my life but she could not commit to waiting so long to be with each other. I would love a little who I could see regularly so I could cuddle her, spoil her, and keep her safe.
• Describe your perfect match and some great qualities that they would have:
Someone who is fun and enjoys playing but also who is loving, caring, and committed to a relationship. A little who is proud to be herself and have a Daddy who she can share herself with and always be honest with. I love cartoons, films, and playing games, reading, listening to music, and adventuring! I am an active Daddy but do like to relax with my little girl and cuddle. I love to learn and would devote myself to learning what makes my little happy and feel special. One of the most important things to me is that my little girl tries her hardest to make her Daddy proud.
• Are you into physically intimate or nonsexual Caregiver/little play?
I would like a little who wants a physically intimate lifestyle, a real partner. I understand that that may take time and I wouldn’t want to scare away a little who is anxious of physically intimate play.
• Do you prefer polyamorous or monogamous relationships?
Monogamous for sure! I want a little who would like to be the centre of my universe and to feel the same way about me. I want to be the only Daddy for my little girl, as she would be my pride and joy. Someone who would trust me with all her secrets and who I could trust with my life.
• How long have you been into the BeDeeSeM scene?
A year, although, it has been something I have looked for but have never found someone who matched my interests. I am open-minded. I am a Dom in the bedroom and love to make my little feel satisfied.
• How long have you been into the Caregiver/little dynamic?
Also a year. My previous LDR started out slowly, starting as friends and growing into a DDlg dynamic. I realised that my past relationships lacked that special dynamic of trust and care that a Daddy and his little have and finding myself to be someone’s Daddy, that I could care for and guide my little, was my greatest moment of self discovery.
• What are you looking for in a little?
I am comfortable with a variety of personalities, those who are cuddly and excitable and those who are shy and passionate. At the centre of it all, I want a little who has a loyal and caring personality. A little who feels like having a Daddy would complete her and who she would like to spend lots of time with. My little would be my best friend but she would also respect her Daddy as someone who wants to look after her, love her and care for her. A little who would love and care for Daddy and make him feel special, too.
• What do you think you have to offer to a little?
The care and attention of a fully devoted Daddy who is on call at all hours of the day, every day. A Daddy who would feel no greater happiness knowing that he is making a difference in his little’s life. A Daddy who will drop everything for his little when she needs help and would be there for her through the good times and the bad. A Daddy who never breaks his promises and would never abandon his little. A fun, playful Daddy who enjoys playing with stuffies, playing games, watching cartoons, and reading to his little. If my little was more submissive I would take great care to nurture her and provide her with structure and rules. I would be happy to help organise her time, her meals, her activities, her clothes and be in charge of her life, if she so chose it.
• How do/would you provide aftercare?
To be able to comfort my little and hold her in my arms. For her to rest on me, or sit in my lap and feel safe as I stroke her hair and skin and tell her how special she is to me.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are some kinks you enjoy?
I enjoy being a Dom in the bedroom and can be a rough Daddy but also can also be gentle. I enjoy my little wanting to please her Daddy in whatever way she can but get the most enjoyment out of making my little girl feel good and satisfied. I have had partners who enjoy pain and those who enjoy softness, those who like spanking, toys, and dressing up for Daddy, and those who enjoy the thrill of being close. I enjoy it when a little wants to be dominated but also those who want sensuality, massages, rubs, kisses.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are some kinks you do not enjoy?
I love to learn, to try whatever makes my little girl happy. There are things I learn about myself every day and never rule out the chance to broaden my horizons.
• What are your hard limits when it comes to play?
None, that I know of!
• What are some common punishments you use to discipline, correct, guide, or seduce?
Daddy’s punishments are fair and fit the situation. I would never ignore my little or use lack of communication as a punishment. A naughty little might get spankings or have her toys taken away, but a very bad little will have lectures, lines to write, denied special burst, time outs or a loss of privileges! Depending on how strongly you follow the little, or submissive, lifestyle the punishments could vary or be very strict.
• What are rewards or reward methods you enjoy providing?
I am a Daddy at heart and I love to spoil my little whether it be by kind words, praise and together time, or treats and presents for good behaviour! If my little girl wants Daddy’s attention she has it and he will do all the little things she loves to do. I love buying my little cute outfits to wear and toys or games to play with. I give sweets and treats for doing good things and keep star charts for those extra special rewards. I would love to take my little on adventures out into the world and give her physically intimate pleasure.
• Describe one of your favorite physically intimate or nonsexual fantasies:
In terms of physically intimate fantasies, I like to play rough, to dominate my little and her submit to me, to tie her up and use toys. I do enjoy causing my little pain but I understand not every little finds pleasure in that. At my core, I get pleasure from hearing my little moan and writhe in ecstasy.
• What are some general (naughty or nice) nicknames you like to call your little?
My little, little girl, little one, good girl, sweetie, darling, princess, cutie, baby girl (I understand not all littles like this though). I suppose it depends on what feels right for my little! Maybe she is those things or maybe she is my dirty/naughty little girl ;)
• If into physically intimate scenes, if a safe word is used during a scene then how do you proceed?
Everything stops and I find out if my little girl needs to be held and cared for or to feel free and be talked to. When my little girl is calm we will either be able to continue the scene or I will give her proper after care and make sure she feels safe.
• What is one thing that all (Daddy, Mommy, or Caregiver) Doms should know?
That a Daddy needs his little as much as she needs him. He is the centre of her universe and she is the centre of his. They need each other and that the trust they share is greater than any other relationship because a Daddy is trusted to be in charge and take care of his little girl and treat her like a princess, like her life is his own.
• What do you think makes a Caregiver Dom different than a regular or general Dominant?
It’s in the title, a general Dominant usually puts his needs and desires ahead of his submissive to get what he wants. A Caregiver nurtures and helps his little and knows what he wants to teach doesn’t have to be rushed. He builds her up and makes her feel special and wanted and tries his best to make sure her needs are satisfied and that she is the best little she can be for him.
• If into physically intimate scenes, what are 5 physically intimate things you enjoy?
Things I enjoy include: rough play, spanking, dirty talk, sensory play, and role-play!
• What are 5 nonsexual things you enjoy?
Things I enjoy include: playing games, watching TV or films, listening to and making music, exercise, and trying new experiences!
• What are 5 movies you enjoy?
Shaun of the Dead, Jumanji, The Princess Bride, Aladdin, and Ghost in the Shell
• What are your 3 of your favorite foods?
Pizza, nachos, and stir fry
• What do you think of a little who requires a large portion of your attention during your free time?
Having a little girl that makes me feel wanted and special is what I dream of as a Daddy because, if I could, I would want to spend all my time with my little girl, too. There will be times when Daddy has work and can’t message or talk much but every second of every day I would be looking forward to spending time with my little girl.
• During an argument or disagreement with a partner, how do you typically react?
I am a very calm Daddy; I like to work things out with words and patience. I would try to calm the situation and ask, “what has happened? How can I help make it better?”
• What are some other things you would like to tell a potentially interested partner about yourself?
I am a passionate Daddy. I am extremely devoted and make my little girl’s wants and needs my utmost priority. The thought of letting down my little girl makes me sad inside. Finding my perfect princess, a little girl who is as devoted to me as I am to her, would complete me. I love doing artistic things. I paint, make music, play the guitar, and write. I love to cook meals and make desserts! I love gaming and settling down to watch things with my partner and having nice cosy evenings together. I am about to start a year of teacher training at a school nearby to my flat and will teach there once I have completed my training. I love meeting new people and welcome any messages, even if it’s just to say “hey, how’re you doing?” :)

Hi how are you?

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I'm Em and would love to have a daddy dom to talk to, if you'd be interested in that. I found out that we have a lot in common concerning your interests and passions ^^ I'd love a chance get to know you.
Love, Emma

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