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I didn't see a post about books. Are there any readers here?

What are your favorite books?
Who are your favorite authors?
What are your favorite genres?
What genres won't you read?
Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read?
What books do you recommend most to others?
How often do you get to read?
How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
Anyone on GoodReads?
My favorite books are: The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern, all HP (especially Azkaban), The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, The Martian by Andy Weir, The Great Zoo of China by Matthew Reilly, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts, the Chronicles of St Mary's series by Jodi Taylor and many many many more!

My favorite authors are: Matthew Reilly, Jeremy Robinson, Chris Grabenstein, Nora/JD, Christy Reece, Rysa Walker, Andy McDermott and many more!

My go to genre is Mystery/Suspense, but I will read anything if it sounds good to me. Main genres I read are: Sci Fi, Suspense, Mystery, Fantasy, YA & MG.

Genres I won't read include: Religion, most New Adult and Chick-Lit

I started listening to audiobooks about 3-4 years ago and now I listen to audiobooks just slightly more than I read ebooks. The split is about 60/40, maybe 55/45 audiobooks over e-books. I have a Kindle & IPad Mini, I listen to books on my Kindle and typically read on my Mini. I read about 1 physical book a year, if that. This year I read a few, maybe 5 and am currently reading an ARC Paperback right now.

I recommend everything! :) It depends on the person and their preferences. If they don't like action I'm not going to recommend Matt Reilly to them. But if it's just a free for all recommend anything, I typically will list about 25-50 books. :) I love making recommendations and love being ask for recommendations. I definitely do recommend The Night Circus to anyone who likes magical type books.

I read a LOT. A typical month for me is 25-30 books. When I do challenges (like I recently was involved in one that lasted 5 months) I read much much more. The last few years I've read over 300 books in a year. This year I'll be nearing 500. I'm a bit burnt out after reading so much for the challenge (289 books in 5 months) so I've only been listening to audiobooks at night before sleeping, since it finished. I have a horrible time falling asleep at night so audiobooks help with that, or at the very least, keep me from being bored while I'm tossing and turning.

I am on GoodReads, if you are active there feel free to message me for my username there, I always love having new friends on GR.

I LOOOOOOOVE talking about books ~ as you can probably tell. If you love talking about books, making recommendations and so on, feel free to message me. If you need some good recommendations, let me know what books/genres you like and I'd be glad to make some.... well, tons!! :D
I am here! I am a reader! Reading is all I do when I am not at work or on here chatting!! Or Sleeping! I LOVE physical books but I am in a town without a bookstore. And all the books at the thrift store are all the same old romance books but I still manage to have a decent collections. I LOVE poetry, Young adult, Fantasy and to be honest I LOVE FanFiction.

I do not have a goodreads account. What exactly is it?

I love long series, the longer the better. I do re-read as soon as I finish a book just because I just have the NEED to know what happens next that I forget some of the little stuff that adds up to the ending.

If we are talking fanfictions, I read probably close to 100 of those in a month, Other books probably around 5, I use them as "Palette Cleansers" between fanfictions.

Do you write?

Anyway the name is Sean and Love talking about books!
Love reading! And I'm happy to find other avid readers ^.^ I'm actually a librarian so reading is really a think for me. If you're still wondering what a goodreads account is: it's basically a virtual bookshelf, but it's so much more! You can add books you want to read, books you have read or are currently reading and discuss anything book related. There are groups and forums and lists, it's really a great place to be active in if you're looking for more readers and what to read next.

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Oh, my favorite books are a trilogy by Holy Black, can't remember the name, it has been so long..., and The Storm Thief. My favorite authors are Holy Black and the author of Storm Thief. I will read any genre, but my favorite tend to be fantasy action. I've been a bit busy to read, recently. :(

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I have read all the books. Right now I'm reading Power of Darkness, which is the Icelandic version of Dracula endorsed by Bram Stoker himself. It was "translated" from Stoker's book into Icelandic in 1900, but it's not a translation so much as an adaptation, adding so many scenes and layers of character development and action. I'm still in the first part and Jonathan has had whole conversations with the fair vampire lady, who he doesn't know is a vampire, and it is GREAT. The Count has been toying with him and Jonathan isn't a helpless moron like he is in the books. Well, okay, still pretty helpless against the Count, but he's smart enough to bring a pistol with him and is actively trying to figure out a way to escape currently. It just got translated into English for the first time a couple weeks ago. I HIGHLY recommend it.
By Deleted User 23747
I love reading, lately it's all I do when I'm home and not on the site. Fanfictions usually occupy my time, but I'm a sucker for Shakespeare. Give me Anthony and Cleopatra, Macbeth, or Julius Caesar any day! I'm also a Potterhead and a fanatic of Kelly Armstrong's work.
I used to be a big reader, but with the way technology has been going around recently, fewer and fewer people are doing it now. To answer your questions:

Who are your favorite authors? ZorroDaddy's Nice series. His style and playful smoothness of his words almost makes the whole room fade away around me. My favorite one by him is "The Power Of Make Beleive and Blueberry Pies" which, is a gentle AB bedtime story, and is wonderful to take your mind away as you fall asleep. On the audio version, It is like he is actually there reading it to you.

What are your favorite genres? Gentle and soothing stories that capture the attention and imagination. More specifically stories with a lot of cuteness, sleep, and smiles. Again, as stated above, ZorroDaddy does this quite well.

What genres won't you read? Terror. I will never do this again, because last time I did it I cried, and became paranoid, and the time before that a tornado happened.

Audiobooks, e-books, "real" physical books ~ which do you read? I prefer to listen to audiobooks. As I am always doing something, this allows me to listen to something before bed, like a story is being read to me, a soothing experience.

How often do you get to read? Almost zero. I am a high-tension person and couldn't quite ever come up with the time to be able to sit down and relax, as to many things overlap. As an insomniac, I try to listen to soothing stories while I work on other business.
How many books do you read in a week, month or year?
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By Green
I love reading, I'm in a bit of a funk right now but I still do about three books a week.

My favorite books:
The iron druid series, The glass castle, Yes please, Toxin, Daughter of smoke and bone series, The giving tree, I can go on and on.

Favorite genres:
I'd probably read any and everything but my favorite has to be fantasy or auto/biography. Although I have been doing a lot of romance and chic-lit lately.

Unreadable genres:
I don't think I have one but if it puts me to sleep once I'll never actually read it just use it as a sleep aid.

I listen to audiobooks when I'm working or driving, e-books mostly and real books when I can find a comfy space to curl up.

I have to get to know someone before I make recommendations I'd rather get one

I read about a book every other day unless it's really good then I'll finish it that day. I am on GoodReads.
Hey there :)

My favorite books have to be The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare including the spin-off novels and the prequel and sequel trilogies along with Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. Also the Temptation series by Ella Frank have to be my favorite (gay) Romance books.
Those three have to be my favorite authors along with K.C Wells, Riley Hart, Maggie Stiefvater, James Dashner, Kindle Alexander... honestly the list could go on and on.
Supernatural, Fantasy and Romance - more specifically Gay Romance - novels are my favorite but I struggle with horror novels. I like them, but by the end I tend to be confused and lost on what the hell just happened with them all - well the ones I read - being left without closure.

Physical books to me will always in, I mean, the smell of books is just amazing. I swear it's why I love going into book stores. Me and my friend just sniff books all the time Aha! I do have a kindle and the kindle app on my Ipod.

All of the books listed in my favorites I would recommend if they are in your genre. I love them all that I wouldn't be able to just pick one. I read a lot in general, but I have binge days/weeks when I constantly read especially if I'm right into the book and/or series. Usually if I'm into the book I'm reading I'll get through it in two or three days, so around two or three books a week and a lot of the time I'll have a physical book and another on my kindle I'm reading at the same time.

Oh, yeah, I'm on goodreads. Drop me a message if you want and I can add you or you add me :)
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