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New, inexperienced, and recently discovered adult babies, regressors, littles, and Caregivers ask for perspectives, advice, tips, and information from more knowledgeable friends.
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I'm fully aware that I'm an adult and I'm into fun adult things, but my mind isn't all there. Like I can't handle a lot of adult responsibilities at all. I seem to only be able to do household chores well. I'm 24 and I've never had a full-time job and I know I can't handle the stress of one. I'd have a meltdown within the first month.

I secretly want to be taken care of in every way by an older man even if that means I have little to no say in everyday decisions. I live in my imagination and find myself daydreaming a lot. I occasionally speak and whine like a kid without being able to help it. Apparently, I wasn't taught potty training very well because I find using diapers to be second nature instantly. I naturally want to suck on things. And since I've accepted that I'm a little boy playing with toys, arts and crafts, and watching kid shows has become an automatic stress relief for me and a safe way for me to declutter my mind.

I don't think it's little space because it's near-constant, but I don't think it's full age regression either because I know I'm an adult. Could it be my autism? It's very mild. If you spoke to me irl you wouldn't think I'm neurodivergent, but it does affect me mentally in ways that people who don't know me very well wouldn't see.

Is this a form of age regression? Or am I just stuck in little space?
So, first of all, age regression is “littlespace”. Littlespace is a more common name for it, but it means the exact same thing as regression within our community.

Regression is not an on/off, 0 or 100 sort of thing. It fluctuates and varies. Sometimes it may be deeper or more intense than other times. Sometimes it may appear to be barely existent or even unnoticeable. Not everyone is heavily regressed at all times, and it can absolutely be tied to mood in terms of expression. There tends to be an on-going, low-level “regression” though because it is who the person is by personality. Think of that constant, low-level of regression as being 15 out of a 100 scale, but that 15 can bump up based on someone’s mood, stressors, or comfort level. 15 would be “base level”. It’s a very manageable “15” though and doesn’t get in the way of important tasks so regression itself doesn’t really hold a person back from anything.

Oh, and, no, nobody truly gets “stuck” in regression experiences, but many choose to use regression as an excuse to avoid “responsibility”. Nobody actually forgets they’re an adult, and nobody loses their skills of maturity capabilities. Those claims are pure fantasy.

Autism does not cause regression. It is not linked to regression as we reference. The regression we reference in our community is not a mental health illness, disorder, or concern. It isn’t a disability, challenge, or impairment physically or psychologically. A person who is a little can absolutely fully function as an adult, but may need more support, may make achievements differently, and may express themselves in atypical or uncommon ways for their age-range.

An individual can certainly have autism and be a little/age regressor, but these two points are unrelated. Autism is a developmental disorder. Being a little is a type of personality. A person can be one, the other, both, or neither. Autism is not regression; autism is often understood as an underdevelopment of sorts on multiple levels.

Autism is linked to sensory behaviors, which often do include things like hand flapping, chewing, biting, and sucking on clothing, fingers, and/or objects. It may be something the person is unaware of doing or even dislikes but feels compelled to carry out. Being a little does not necessarily involve these things. More than any other reasoning, chewing and sucking on objects are more a form of personal preference to express their regression more genuinely.

Potty training is also something that can be a challenge for an individual who has autism. Again though, this is absolutely unrelated to age regression. Bladder and bowel control, recognition, and understanding is unrelated to Littles. The positive desire to wear, and potentially use, items such as diapers are personal preferences, not stemming from an impairment. It’s like any other sort of clothing preference. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair may also use incontinence items, but that doesn’t mean they experience any form of regression.

See, a lot of the reason Littles consciously choose to use objects like diapers, as if they were not yet potty trained, or chew on items, as if they were still actively teething, is because these things appear within an age-range that feels most comfortable for the individual to self-express within. It’s comfortable because the person has advanced past that stage. They feel in control and capable. Using toys targeted to a 5 year old as if they were still 5 helps to display their emotions in a way that feels most comfortable and safe. For many, it is just going back to a time that feels safer or more understood because they’ve already experienced it, and have already achieved the highest of potential within that age bracket by maturing past it. They may simply know it, and the expectations of that life stage, so well that they feel they can make no mistakes, or they may feel so advanced that replicating that stage simply feels easy and un-stressful compared to other activities they must carry out aside from heavier regression. In short, the choice is to express themselves using objects and typical actions within a previous age-range that feels less restricted for the individual.

Being a little is unrelated to the notion of never having worked a job or a lack of motivation. As a matter of fact, the structure and reward system a career path offers is extremely beneficial for age regressors and we encourage jobs to be sought and maintained. It becomes enjoyable for Littles if they are regularly acknowledged and rewarded for their efforts. Careers where they create, make, contribute to, or develop something may be preferred since achievements and progress can be visual, immediately leading to the feelings of success.

Please feel free to read through our resources. A lot of what you’ve referenced is discussed. A lot other questions you may have could also already be answered for you within those articles.

Best of luck in your journey!
many people in the cg/l community say that being a caregiver or a little is a core part of their personality. similarly, many people in the autism community say that being autistic is a core part of their personality.

personalities aren’t just lists of unrelated psychological traits. usually, personalities are relatively unified. (some people are multiple, but i assume you’ve not.) they reinforce one another. a person who loves to try new foods often loves to travel to new places, for example.

similarly, i think it’s possible for some autistic traits to reinforce some little traits, and vice versa. in other words, one didn’t cause the other. but the personality traits interact with each other, as all personality traits do, and they formed the unique collage that is you. :nodyes:
I think I might be a teen little?

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