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How to use the site

How to use Littlespace Online
How does this work?
What do I do here?
What is this place for, really?

If you're looking to learn about dynamics like DDlg (Daddy Dom/little girl), Mdlb (Mommy Domme/little boy), Cgl (Caregiver/little), or just AB (Adult Baby/diaper wearer) information then you've come to a great resource. You're welcome to browse around the site, read articles, tips, and ideas, and share your findings on other networks and platforms where you have other friends with these interests.

If you're looking for an outlet to be your inner, childlike self then Littlespace Online is a good place for that expression. We certainly promote self-discovery and evaluation on learning about your own littlespace, needs, and desires. We encourage you to explore yourself through our General Discussion and Diaper Discussion areas as well as the chat room. You are welcome to read our helpful resources to better identify yourself and personal goals or understanding of age regression.

If you're looking to make connections here then you want to start off by making yourself known on the forum. You'll want to post your introduction, your personal ad if it's applicable, and start answering (or asking) questions around the forum. People will get an idea of who you are and what your interests are so you can get to know each other, private message, and build those friendship connections. Just like in person connections, making yourself known and friendly is beneficial to meeting others here.

We also have a dating section to help people connect more intimately or romantically but please be aware that match-making is not the purpose of our community site. It isn't, and never will be, our goal to be dedicated to personals and we don't want it to appear as just another dating site to any one. Our personals section shouldn't be the sole reason you're here with us, but, rather, an additional tool to use within the community. If you're only here to date then that's okay, but please be respectful and acknowledge that not everyone here is looking for a special someone and not everything here is centered around finding a relationship.

  • Community - noun - a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
    • Fellowship - noun - a friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.
      • Friendly - adjective - kind and pleasant.

New Member Quick Links:

☆ We are not an online dating community, please do not try to "look for" someone special through our chat system. The forum has specific areas for that.
☆ Try to be mindful that not everyone that is logged in currently wants to chat with everyone else. Respect personal decisions and do not abuse the chat.
☆ No always mean no. If someone says they are no longer interest in pursuing a connection or conversation with you then respect and accept their decision.
☆ Respect of all members, moderators, the administrator, and the community as a whole is extremely important.
☆ You are welcome to post as many topics as you would like and we suggest one question per post for the best answer potentials.
☆ You are required to report persons under the biological age of 18.

Other Help Resources:
Information about the new Sweets points system and how to earn more points by posting on the forum!
★ Post questions in this section when you need help with the site.
Information, Articles, & Resources about Caregiver/little.
★ Pop into our free chat room for members.
★ Free TGIF (Friday) Television Shows Together: viewtopic.php?p=31556#p31556
★ Free Little's Movie Night Event on Saturdays: app.php/movie
Contact the admin. directly.
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